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3,712 bytes added ,  12 February 2023
Kaymawākan's Song ("Kaymawākanim Lahasmeššente"), from YouTube channel
(Kaymawākan's Song ("Kaymawākanim Lahasmeššente"), from YouTube channel)
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# Attim waggabgabalaram hittinristirħaku, Šuxtānim Ikkūnē kirimseššente išpikšempiharu, šarrat min suharaktillidēran išpiknatarkennaru.
# Attim waggabgabalaram hittinristirħaku, Šuxtānim Ikkūnē kirimseššente išpikšempiharu, šarrat min suharaktillidēran išpiknatarkennaru.

=== Urasmaran Niniwāzintaheknesuš (I Will Shoot the Stars for You) ===
=== Kaymawākan ===
This epic Wolf Speaker song tells the story of Kaymawākan, the Ghost Deer.  He died many years ago, when he was a doe who had given birth to a fawn.  A hunter slew her daughter, an egregious act of ''innūy''.  She died of heartbreak, but rather than returning to the ''Turħatūman'', the Spirit World, she roamed the earth in mourning.  One day she vowed revenge, and she twisted the smoke<ref>A shamanic ritual whereby the shaman lights a fire and moves their hand through the smoke as if weaving.</ref> and transformed into a mighty buck.  From that point on, he pursued hunters who intruded into his realm, the mighty mountains of the Kilmay Rī.  To this day, Wolf Speakers come upon frozen corpses with multiple stab wounds, the snow around them stained with bloody hoof prints.
Sappim birīh suttu yiptikī asumambunekan;
Kimalaški asumambunekan
Wakpe intasuntakkimannaft
Šarrat tarampilaban.
Wahek, matti makkutirtaħte,
Sappu waamburrunataharan
"Bakran tamaškektahabu?"
Kirišmararannamā, "Nakkitaħš?"
Hambin xānim kayyūn marišpinušillekmahu
Kiantittaħte dustindirupputahekaru
Kianki šullumtahekaru,
Mattitittaħte amandisiħtirkaru
Wahek mattitittaħte amandisiħtirkaru
Bašbayāk bastetallutsakšarekaran
Wahek, marwastanaft
Kimalaš tatannuykiwataħpitahan
Sap ambunkimalaštahaban
Eyha, wahek kadduttahan!
Hittitittaharu wammīn
Yiptia naħkkahallatalluttartaharu
Hatā' martubbataban
Wahek, yiptiki kaddutahan
Eyhak, nirraktaku,
Waheki umyasalluttakukilwāš
Suyyeknataħte kuddumtaku
Eyha, wastane dawapabammā,
Waheki mattuyekammā,
Sappu wahunnetirekte,
Naš waššumbattaħte.
Waheki iħtaħšittallutekaban,
Waheki hištarkeħretahaban,
Huttuytirekte dāwapwastanemahabanaft, sartirtahabu.
Among these mountains I walk this path
In the deep snow
In the depths of the forest
Where the pines grow thick;
The land sleeps
Under this white blanket.
Then I see your tracks,
You walked this path not long ago;
You strike my curiosity;
Why are you following me?
I ask myself where you are,
A question only these trees can answer.
A rustle alerts me,
I turn in the direction
Where I first heard you;
I sense your presence
Although I cannot see you,
I know you are here.
I ready myself
I ready my weapons;
I have honed them meticulously,
I have honed each their killing edge;
That which bleeds shall not survive
These sharpened edges.
In your overconfidence
You foolishly reveal yourself,
But you walk these woods
Not knowing the dangers
That await you in the forest,
Thus you slip on the ice.
I seize this opportune advantage
You foolishly granted me,
Your weapons are now scattered
Spread across the snow;
You run to reclaim them
But it is too late for you.
I give chase,
You cannot outrun me;
You stumble and fall,
Now I stand over you;
I plunge down my weapons,
They pierce your heart.
You crawl away,
Your blood spills,
It colors the snow red;
I charge at you again,
I stab you once again,
Then I step back and watch.
Your bow lies here
And your arrows lie there,
But I still hold onto my weapons;
I shake them at you
As you give me the deathstare;
My antlers dripping with your blood are the last thing you see.
=== Urasmaran Niniwāzintaheknesuš - "I Will Shoot the Stars for You" ===
This Horse Speaker song, beloved by many Speakers across Minhay, has many variations, but this Wolf Speaker rendition is the most popular one.  
This Horse Speaker song, beloved by many Speakers across Minhay, has many variations, but this Wolf Speaker rendition is the most popular one.  



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