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Many consonants underwent a very regular but much more extensive evolution found in most Greek dialects, called Tsitakismos, where /k/ and /c/ are palatalized. Modern Grekelin further merged many consonants and clusters in words into /d͡ʒ/, such as /ks/, /z/, /n/, /k/ and /ɣ/. /l/ became entirely /ɫ/, something only common in Macedonia then. Finally, in Proto-Grekelin, if the preceding letter was a consonant, /v/ became /w/.
Many consonants underwent a very regular but much more extensive evolution found in most Greek dialects, called Tsitakismos, where /k/ and /c/ are palatalized. Modern Grekelin further merged many consonants and clusters in words into /d͡ʒ/, such as /ks/, /z/, /n/, /k/ and /ɣ/. /l/ became entirely /ɫ/, something only common in Macedonia then. Finally, in Proto-Grekelin, if the preceding letter was a consonant, /v/ became /w/.
Metathesis is very common in the language too, as consonant clusters are often split apart eg. Greek '''Αλεύρι''' vs Grekelin '''Aléwir'''.



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