Verse:Hmøøh/Txapoalli: Difference between revisions

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*A fifth family
*A fifth family (dependent marking, honorifics)

Common features:
Common features:

Revision as of 02:57, 8 February 2019

Txapoalli (English: chah-poh-AH-lee or chap-oh-AL-ee, Naquian: Txapoalli /tʃapoˈalːi/; Eevo: Nyçís via Windermere Năchis) is the largest continent in Tricin by land area, followed by Cualuav. Txapoalli is just a geographically defined region. It contains three main cultural regions, which are quite different.


  • Naquiz: Northwest Txapoalli (closer to Talma)
  • Hetm: Central Txapoalli
  • Sowaázh daSóol: Off West Txapoalli
  • herIdosm: East Txapoalli
  • the Rencad (PTs *čɢenkad)
  • Onishia



Proto-Sowaazhic speakers settled Sowaázh.

The Naquian Empire was initially typically polytheistic, like other ancient Quihum religions.

The Hetomic Empire was also founded.


Near the end of Naquian Empire era there emerged a tradition of theater exploring themes that were the province of religion. This caused something of a conflict in society; the old religious authorities, who would brook no replacement of the traditional religion, took measures against the "theaterists". However it failed.


Silphium Wars?


The Eevo name Nycís probably derives from a form of Naquiz, borrowed through Windermere.


  • Arpala Mountains


TODO: more languages.

Language families:

Common features:

  • Larger than average consonant inventories, often with ejectives, affricates, and lateral obstruents (Tsimulh, most of Naquic, and Sowaazhic)
  • One area with aeiou, one area with tendency toward small vowel inventories
  • Pitch accent or tone (Lakovic, Sowaazhic)
  • Rich politeness/honorific system (especially Quihum)
  • Bantu-style noun classes (especially Tsimulh)
  • Active-stative-ish tendencies
  • Relational nouns
  • Head-marking tendency (Hetomic)