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Etalocin (/ɛ'tæləsɪn/; Clofabosin: ẹtalocin /'e(ː)talokin/, from Old Netagin ʔEtâ + Clofabosin locin 'land'; Eevo: Eetó /ɛiˈtʰɔ/) is a continent of the conplanet Tricin.


Don't make a Standard Fantasy/Medieval Setting for premodern Etalocin

Geography and climate


  • Camalastèabhana
  • Tumaca
  • Smewla
  • Nøøvr
  • Netaginland
  • Nuria (Nūrē)
  • Benocia
  • Phormatin
  • Qaaroshterim
  • Clofabolocin
  • Dodellia
  • Wakani




The following language families are represented in Etalocin:

Linguistic areas

Linguistic areas:

  • Talma (head-initial, definiteness, more analytic)
    • Nurian area
      • Aspiration and gemination
      • Small vowel system with palatalization
      • More synthetic
    • Continental Talman Linguistic Area
      • Split-ergativity
      • /n/ is [n~l], l vocalizes into a uvular or pharyngealized resonant
      • Large vowel system
      • VSO order
      • Head-marking in possessive NPs, with construct state or 3rd person possessive marking
      • Grammatical mutation
      • Sex-based grammatical gender
  • Southwestern Etalocin
    • Tsrovesh, Desperanto
  • Northeastern Etalocin
    • Head-initial
    • Polysynthesis
  • CW-Complex (Eastern Etalocin)
    • IE, Uralic or "Altaic" aesthetic
    • Head-final/"Altaic" grammar


I'll take some inspiration from Jewish culture.

Etalocin was, and still to a large extent is, a Crapsaccharine World. Etalocin boasts a robust tradition of intellectual activity, especially in mathematics and music. However, Etalocian society is a highly stratified meritocracy, which historically caused considerable friction between social classes.

The social cost of nonconformity (especially for men) was quite severe. Crimes were punished harshly. Legally, the most common punishments were exile, imprisonment and forced labor but often the criminals were tortured, castrated, or executed, in addition to public shaming.

Polygamy was legally recognized in Etalocin cultures, though many people are monogamous.

Traditional elite culture

Elite boys were first educated in either a "boarding school" which taught a curriculum of rhetoric, poetry, classical language, math, fine arts, and science, or a military academy. By age 15 they were expected to enter into university study (or military service) in order to specialize into one or more roles in elite society. To enter specialization one was required to pass the entrance exam administered by a university. If one could not enter specialist training he was effectively banished from elite society. Those who passed the "boarding school" curriculum but failed to specialize usually worked as "managers", low-level officials or schoolteachers. One or more requirements could be waived for a child of exceptional ability in one area.

Elite girls also had access to a full boarding school education (though not to a military education), enough for them to be independent. Unlike males, however, they were not expected to undergo male specialization. Women who wished to become schoolteachers or musicians received appropriate additional training. Some women, mostly courtesans-in-training or those who aspired to marry the most powerful aristocrats, underwent education meant for male specialists.

Pre-modern vulgar culture

The plebs were largely semi-literate but otherwise uneducated and were forced to do menial labor and/or live in unsanitary places. Non-elite military-age men were often drafted into wars.

The common people had plays, and later novels, as forms of entertainment.


The rise of the merchant class and the free-market economy marks the beginning of Etalocian modernity.

Agile legislation is considered a design ideal to strive for in Etalocian democracies.

There is no legal concept of marriage in modern Etalocian societies; marriage is essentially a "religious" concept to be negotiated by individuals.




Main article: Verse:Tricin/Etalocin/Music





Other visual art


  • Spring Equinox
  • Summer solstice
  • crifactin in September
  • stannsin = 6 months after Easter
  • Winter solstice (Clofabosin: lagavulin): A solstice festival where, among other things, they sing songs hoping for a *brighter* future.


Vegetarian cuisine has been backed by various ethical philosophies that prohibit either killing or inflicting suffering on animals. Some form of vegetarianism is common among Etalocians; however, vegetarians are less common among lower classes.

Using umami ingredients such as seaweeds and mushrooms, and herbs and spices is common to make up for the lack of meat.

Religion and civic religion

Early Etalocian religion

The oldest religious traditions include ancient Clofabic, Talmic, and Netagin paganisms. Pre-Great Calamities archaeological finds indicate that human sacrifice was practiced in the earliest stages of Etalocian religion. Human sacrifice had been banned among the Netagin before the Great Calamities, but continued to be practiced among the Thensarians until the Great Calamities.

Second Mover

Etalocians' principal religious innovation is the concept of the Second Mover (Eevo: Feesd Arn, Clofabosin: ribilzavudan) which is roughly "the creative capacity and the attendant responsibility that we have as human beings independent of any external authority". More pithily, it is "the God within us". In short, we humans are responsible for "creation" and formulating rules, where "God has left off", even when no one is telling us what to do. There is much vagueness in this definition, though, leaving open exactly what the Second Mover should be driven towards. This motivated much of philosophy, psychology and social science; on the other hand, many a perverse interpretation of this doctrine was used to justify brutality.

Modern civic religion

Modern civic religion consists of such activities as "effective altruism" and developing transhumanist technologies and giving participants a "meaning-rich" environment with rituals and mythmaking. Overcoming human limitations is seen as working towards the ultimate manifestation of the Second Mover; eventually, the Second Mover must defeat the First Mover, which is the evil, at best untrustworthy demiurge.

Who are the "heretics"?

Notable figures

  • pseudo-Rocēdy - group of ancient Talman mathematicians, authors of the Brøøhad Manuscript which is the first text to mention negative numbers, complex numbers and algebra
  • Θīcot Atiȝadaedā - Adetsib astronomer, developed the heliocentric model of planetary motion
  • Jissārahim = Netagin geometer, described Euclidean geometry in 2- and 3-dimensional Euclidean space; his work appears in Thensarian translation
  • sduydilət ayqsadbi (Snoeδiret Aecsarbē) - Thensarian mathematician, who first approximated π to 96 base-12 places (~ 104 decimal places)
  • Toφaomerom - ancient Clofabic orator
  • Tsâhoŋ-Tamdi - composer, physicist and mathematician who wrote Elements of Harmony, which has the first known mention of harmonic series; the just ratios generated by a given set of primes
  • Rith-Mârotx - Netagin statesman and political theorist
  • Fosen fat-Tazrir - Netagin chemist, physicist
  • ʔAmmuħ far-Rothâbh - Netagin geometer, physicist and engineer

After two centuries of the Talman Dark Age brought about by a series of natural disasters and plagues...

  • Yakhef Batzaħ - Netagin physician who verified germ theory of disease
  • Ngeysi Beȝnof - Netagin physicist and mathematician who invented calculus
  • Early Netagin composers (responsible for staff directions in Netagin)
    • Elsa Nuzakh
  • Yamphotsaphidamchuerai Ativan - Clofabian lexicographer and novelist
  • Arformoterol Ziagen - Clofabian mathematician and composer
  • Ergosterol Aleve ♀ - Clofabian nurse, pioneered modern nursing
  • Aodhàn Càdlàg - Bhadhagha mathematician (real analyst)
  • Tabhikh Vasèŋŋ - Nail Polish mathematician who worked on complex analysis
  • Sdyrros Salmeter - Eevo inventor
  • Rewtt Sguðinn ♀ - Eevo mathematician and composer
    • Need some more similarly OP mathematicians.
  • ʔədščal bəyakʷ - [Adetsibic] mathematician; a student of Sguðinn
  • Alað Bolltind - Eevo linguist, discovered Roshterian
  • Tsyttol Gvitxydad - [Adetsibic] linguist, discovered Sjowaazheñ
  • Embisoom Grwid - Eevo-speaking poet