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Mărotłism (mə-ROHTS-iz-əm; Eevo: Myrótxvih, Classical Windermere: Rătsof φis Łăy'ür 'the Path of the Law' or Rătsof φi Imnutłaχ 'the Path of the Movers') is a Talman religion typically associated with Pĭda (religious sage) riθ Mărotł (Eevo: (Byðá) riþ Myrótx). Template:Windermere sidebar

Basic doctrines


Mărotłism is agnostic about whether the universe had a beginning.

Mărotłism is explicitly polytheistic; many Talmic and Lakovic gods appear in the Latlaseekh. However, Mărotłism views the gods as manifestations of one ultimate God, or the Seth, who is also held to be the ultimate principle or 'force' that sustains the universe. The ultimate God has given his law to man via the lesser gods and principles, especially the Second Mover, and said law is to be interpreted through the lens of the pĭdaic oral tradition.


The Łăy'ür or Łi'ür is the term for Mărotłite law. Humans, who are collectively the Second Mover, are enjoined to follow these laws (use either Ancient Wdm or Classical Tseer instead...):

φess·θuriāsor φinī subanmanōȝi φarnoe φinnom ābotot δrāgaħnar cat ħlibnar.
Let the Second Mover fulfill this book of laws and rites.

One contentious issue between different Talman religious traditions is the interpretation of the word φess·θuriāsor in Thensarian, which can mean both 'fulfill' and 'complete'. Mărotłite tradition translates the word as 'fulfill', i.e. follow the law, whereas Ngronaism and other religions prefer the translation 'complete'.

Second Mover

The Second Mover (Eevo: a Nwtxáh Arn /ə nuˈtʃah ˈaɾ(ə)n/; Classical Windermere: Nutłaχ Hiraθ /nuˈtʂakʰ hiˈratʰ/, Clofabosin: ribilzavudan) is a central Talman spiritual concept representing creativity, agency and moral good within humans. In Mărotłism the doctrine states that we humans are responsible for "creation" and formulating rules, where "God has left off", even when no one is telling us what to do.

The Second Mover is the force (described sometimes as hălpăθin, te łălisφow, te bintănse "reason, empathy and action") that guides us to the ideal of truth, good, and beauty.

According to Snielism, or Mărotłite mysticism, it is entirely separate from any god. The Second Mover is often called the Nameless (φid mo tsip χum), the idea being that following the Second Mover should not be about pursuing a name or following a predetermined procedure. Mărotłites would at best balk at "naming the Nameless" (Windermere: chithum fid mo tsip chum), i.e. identifying the Second Mover with a specific god or human, like Ngronaism does.

There is a set of religious statutes (CWdm: hooyma, sg. hăyma) partially determined by the Latlaseekh, and partially determined by the Pĭdas' writings. As such there is very much a concept of sin (φrăcing).

(more on how we got from Second Mover to the Pĭdas)


The originally Mărotłian concept of hăldifăreatü is a principle of nonviolence, analogous to ahiṃsa in Dharmic religions. (The Windermere word hăldifăreatü means 'non-violence' or 'non-aggression'.) Mărotłian hăldifăreatü allows violence in retaliation or self-defense, or as a punishment for violence - the reasoning was that aggression is so serious that it should be discouraged by any means necessary. There has been much debate among Talman thinkers on exactly how much retributive violence is justified.


Both Mărotłism and some forms of Ngronaiam teach that this implies a moral commandment for a form of pescetarianism (not killing "slaughterable" animals, i.e. mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians). In modern times, this is interpreted as requiring veganism.

Several passages in the Latlaseekh that ban both human and animal sacrifice are interpreted by pidaic writings as justification for vegetarianism.


It is binfăreatü (violence) to subject people to unwanted sex. This includes not only rape, but paying and having sex with a prostitute. However, this rule has not always been enforced historically.

Completion of the Law

Authority of the Pĭdas and their traditions

As a part of the project of the Completion of the Law, the Pĭdas (Classical Wdm pĭda 'sage') have complete authority to interpret and write the Mărotlian law. Moreover, if two Pĭdas disagree on the interpretation of a text, they are both correct, it's just not obvious why.

Change by addition, not by modification

Textual canon

Like Judaism, and its sister religion Ngronaism, Mărotłism has an "open source" textual canon which allows additions. Thinkers from different time periods and environments have their own interpretations, though often informed by previous ones, on what exactly the philosophy entails about how humans ought to live.

Ancient texts

  • The Latlaseekh (Tseer, lit. "collections") is a large collection of Classical Windermere texts, including prose epics, descriptions of rituals, religious laws, poetry, and riddles.
  • The Sondmorið Manuscripts (Eevo: /ˈsɔntmɔrið/) are a collection of Tigol-language manuscripts found in the Sondmorið caves of Skella. Among other things, they give a mythological account of human nature and origins. Devotional poems are also included.

Requirements for earliest texts:

  • Some puzzles
  • Should mention "2nd Mover" (subanmanōȝi φarnoe)
  • Some self-contradiction
  • Fragmented rituals/laws but not too legalistic; some inconsistencies in the laws

Classical texts

  • The Imθumăytil (Classical Windermere, meaning "investigations") is a Classical Windermere text which depicts sages (Classical Windermere: impĭda, the title may be translated as "Master") discussing and debating various ethical and philosophical topics, and attempting to find the "true meaning" and "correct practice" of previous Talman religious traditions. Most surviving copies are edited and commented on by later impĭda in various schools of interpretation. The Imthumăytil was traditionally required reading in Talman schools.
    • handwashing that conveniently largely coincides with what germ theory prescribes (handwashing after contact with bodily fluids or dirt)
  • Muidhillechadh Gnaoth: a critical essay by Etsoj Jopah on the Sondmorið Manuscripts (in Classical Windermere)

Later texts

There are later pĭdaic writings and Snielist writings which we won't mention here...


  • Fast for nine days before Bwrjadraig
  • Wash hands after touching bodily fluids or soil


Blessings are usually in Ancient or Classical Windermere. One blessing said before a meal is:

Φa-Łĭnam Imnutłaχ căder tsa hü tsor dwal te binsĭngășcaș.
It is from you, Movers, that we are granted (or: humbly receive) all food and sustenance.

Variants of Mărotłism

Mainline Mărotłism


Ultra-Mărotłites live apart from the mainstream of society, trying to strictly adhere to the lifestyle taught by their Pĭdas.


Main article: Verse:Tricin/Snialism

Snielism is a mystical form of Mărotłism; the name was coined by Etsoj Jopah as an acronym (S-Ni-H-L, from ___). Etsoj Jopah is widely regarded as the founder or Snielism.