Wug Nlab

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Wug Nlab is a loglang. In its setting Technoquintlan, it is one of the two main academic languages spoken around fT 2700 (around 2450 in the Gregorian calendar), alongside Akademiesprache.

External history

To mirror the Hlou-Shum languages being spoofs of Indo-European languages under a somewhat Hmongic framework, Cole decided to spoof his old conlang Riemannic in this manner. His first idea was a slightly divergent Hlouic language with loans from Windermere, but it was shortly scrapped because he felt it wouldn't work (and also partly due to his inexperience with Windermere).

His next idea was to make Hlou Riemannic mathematically-based, which initially was the concept for Quintlanic. However, due to the fact that he ran out of ideas (or rather, was too overwhelmed with bad ideas) for Quintlanic, he decided to merge that project with his favourite conlang Schlaub to form a kind of "Future Schlaub", if you will.

Internal history

Around fT 2400, there was a great economic collapse in both Terra and Tricin (similar to the Collapse in Rosenfelder's Incatena setting). This resulted in the loss of, notably, Scellan as a lingua franca on Tricin and early 21st-century English as a lingua franca on Earth, which was quickly replaced with Clofabosin on both worlds. However, it did not enjoy the status of a lingua franca as Scellan and English previously.

To remedy this, many other solutions were tried out. Most notably, on Terra, there was a great revival of Latino sine flexione, mostly in South America and the Northwestern Mediterranean, but on Tricin, a kind of analytic Clofabolocin was used in Etatalma. However, both solutions did not last long.

The superpowers of both worlds decided to try making lingua francas of their own, and the Germanic-speaking Europeans and the Hlou-Shum were the first to create them. Unlike Esperanto a few hundred years before, their conlangs - Akademiesprache and Wug Nlab respectively - were much more successful in reach. The former was created by the applied mathematicians, biologists, chemists, and specialists in other applied fields, and Wug Nlab was created by pure mathematicians, physicists, programmers, and specialists in other 'pure' fields.

What is notable is the inclusion of astronomers and musicians in the group that created Wug Nlab, which could be a kind of revival of the quadrivium.