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High Valyrian


  • (Post-Classical) IPA(key): [is]



  1. third-person singular present indicative of jagon



Learned borrowing from Gothic 𐌹𐍃 (is), or from Latin is, ultimately of Indo-European origin. Displaced the unattested inherited *e.


  • IPA(key): (Standard Ravennese) /is/, [is̻]


is (plural eis)

  1. he (third person singular pronoun, nominative case)
    • Is ist lûthicu, ac non rogiat la rasda.
      He is a Luth, but he doesn't speak Luthic.

Usage notes

  • Luthic is a null-subject language, so nominative pronouns are usually absent.


Standard Ravennese Luthic personal pronouns
Number Case 1st person 2st person 3rd person reflexive
masculine feminine neuter
Singular nom. ic þû is ia atha
acc. mic þuc ino ina atha sic
dat. mis þus ia ia ia sis
gen. meina þeina eis ise eis seina
Singular nom. vi gi eis ise ia
acc. unse isve eis isas ia sic
dat. unsis isvis eis eis eis sis
gen. unsara isvara eisôro eisâro eisôro seina


Alternative forms



(Reneissan) IPA: /is/


is (plural isei)

  1. this



From Old Valthungian is, cf. Gothic is, from Proto-Germanic *ez, *hez.


(Valthungian) IPA: /is/


is (pl. īs)

  1. he. The third person singular masculine pronoun.
Singular Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative
Masculine is is itma in
Feminine ižas iža īja
Neuter it is itma it
Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative
Masculine īs iža im ins
Feminine ījas iža im ījas
Neuter īja, ī iža im īja, ī


is Second person singular present indicative of wisna.








  1. to be
    infinitive subjunctive perfective second-person to second-person
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
    relative subjunctive perfective second-person to second-person
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
fin inf/rel
pfv ipfv pfv ipfv
ind subj imp jus ind subj imp jus ind subj imp jus ind subj imp jus
act 1/3 >1/3 su suh hus sûh hûs isu isuh ihus îsu îsuh îhus
>2 saj suj sjuj sâj sûj sjûj isaj isuj isjuj îsaj îsuj îsjuj
2 >1/3 ms yis suhú m̂s yîs suhû ims iis isúhu îms îis isûhu
>2 srs ys ysú sr̂s ŷs ysû isrs is isu îsrs îs îsu
pass 1/3 >1/3 * vùh* hùv* ràj** vùj** jvùj** mv̀* yìr* vuhù* sr̀** yr̀** yvù**
>2 vûh hûv râj** vûj** jvûj** mv̂ yîr vuhû sr̂** yr̂** yvû**
2 >1/3 rìu* rìuh* hùvi* rìaj** rìuj** jrìuj** mvì* yìri* riùhu* srì** yrì** yrìu**
>2 rîu rîuh hîuv rîaj** rîuj** jrîuj** mvî yîri riûhu srî** yrî** yrîu**
iter/dur act 1/3 >1/3 suq suqh husq saqj suqj sjuqj msq yisq suhúq srsq ysq ysúq
>2 sûq sûqh hûsq sâqj sûqj sjûqj m̂sq yîsq suhûq sr̂sq ŷsq ysûq
2 >1/3 isuq isuqh ihusq isaqj isuqj isjuqj imsq iisq isúhuq isrsq isq isuq
>2 îsuq îsuqh îhusq îsaqj îsuqj îsjuqj îmsq îisq isûhuq îsrsq îsq îsuq
pass 1/3 >1/3 vùq* vùqh* hùvq* ràqj** vùqj** jvùqj** mv̀q* yìvq* vuhùq* sv̀q** yv̀q** yvùq**
>2 vûq vûqh hûvq râqj** vûqj** jvûqj** mv̂q yîvq vuhûq sv̂q** yv̂q** yvûq**
2 >1/3 rìuq* rìuqh* huvìq* rìaqj** rìuqj** jrìuqj** mvìq* yìriq* riùhuq* srìq** yrìq** yrìuq**
>2 rîuq rîuqh huvîq rîaqj** rîuqj** jrîuqj** mvîq yîriq riûhuq srîq** yrîq** yrîuq**
*high tone in some regions
**low falling tone in some regions