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31 October 2020
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→Present participle of verbs used as adjectives
→Strong Verbs:
→Past participle of verbs used as adjectives
→Indefinite plural and Definite:
→Indefinite Singular:
→Indefinite Plural and Definite:
→Indefinite Plural and Definite:
→Past participle of verbs used as adjectives
→Past participle of verbs used as adjectives
→Irregular Comparative and Superlative
→Comparative and Superlative
→Comparative and Superlative
→Adjectives ending in -en
→Adjectives ending in -en
→Definite Paradigm:
30 October 2020
→Adverbs from Adjectives
→Adverbs from Adjectives
→Adverbs from Adjectives
→Adjectives ending in -en
→Adjectives ending in -en
→Adjectives ending in -en
→Adjectives ending in -en
→Adjectives ending in -en
→Adjectives ending -d
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