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===Part-delos agridupons===
===Part-delos agridupons===
* Vortes esr-ilons pluralos kom ''-s''.
* Vortes esr-ilons pluralos kom ''-s''.
* Verbo nursama inflektor pra numbroj et tempschas, ba forse aukaj lo imperativo.
* Verbo nursama inflektor pra numbroj et tempschas, ba forse aukaj lo imperativo moodo.
* If-si nem verbo modalo esr usutan, lo pronomino esr normalmente suffixor ad fin-endo a'vorte, kom hyphen inter ilons.
* If-si nem verbo modalo esr usutan, lo pronomino esr normalmente suffixor ad fin-endo a'vorte, kom hyphen inter ilons.
* Tempschas formango esr inu qwo moodo: "Ai havr likata".
* Tempschas formango esr inu qwo moodo: "Ai havr likata".
* Toto adverbo gaan termin-endar inu ''-mente''.
* Toto adverbo gaan termin-endar inu ''-mente''.
* Words with the same meaning but different etymologies may be used together if hyphenated; generally only the last one is inflected.
* Vortes kom lo equals mean ba etmologia diferens mag esr usr kombinatan if-si hyphenatan; generalmente nursama finalos esr inflektan.
* All words should be stripped of diacritics as much as possible when entering Felikitok; ASCII should always suffice.
* Totos vortes deva esr stripped-eliminar a'diakritikos plusmagis possibilul qwan intrar-ilons inu Felikitok; ASCII sempra deva esr sufficis.

===Agreed-upon basic vocabulary===
===Agreed-upon basic vocabulary===

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