Module:languages: Difference between revisions

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(Defining getFullCode())
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Line 298: Line 298:
return parent or nil
return parent or nil
--[==[Given some text, this function iterates through the scripts of a given language and tries to find the script that best matches the text. It returns a {{code|lua|Script}} object representing the script. If no match is found at all, it returns the {{code|lua|None}} script object.]==]
function Language:findBestScript(text, forceDetect)
local useRequire = self._useRequire
if not text or text == "" or text == "-" then
return require("Module:scripts").getByCode("None", nil, nil, useRequire)
-- Differs from table returned by getScriptCodes, as Hants is not normalized into its constituents.
local codes = self._bestScriptCodes
if codes == nil then
codes = self._rawData[4]
codes = codes and split(codes, ",", true, true) or {"None"}
self._bestScriptCodes = codes
local first_sc = codes[1]
if first_sc == "All" then
return require("Module:scripts").findBestScriptWithoutLang(text)
local get_script = require("Module:scripts").getByCode
local codes_len = #codes
if not (forceDetect or first_sc == "Hants" or codes_len > 1) then
first_sc = get_script(first_sc, nil, nil, useRequire)
local charset = first_sc.characters
return charset and umatch(text, "[" .. charset .. "]") and first_sc or
get_script("None", nil, nil, useRequire)
-- Remove all formatting characters.
text = require("Module:utilities").get_plaintext(text)
-- Remove all spaces and any ASCII punctuation. Some non-ASCII punctuation is script-specific, so can't be removed.
text = ugsub(text, "[%s!\"#%%&'()*,%-./:;?@[\\%]_{}]+", "")
if #text == 0 then
return get_script("None", nil, nil, useRequire)
-- Try to match every script against the text,
-- and return the one with the most matching characters.
local bestcount, bestscript, length = 0
for i = 1, codes_len do
local sc = codes[i]
-- Special case for "Hants", which is a special code that represents whichever of "Hant" or "Hans" best matches, or "Hani" if they match equally. This avoids having to list all three. In addition, "Hants" will be treated as the best match if there is at least one matching character, under the assumption that a Han script is desirable in terms that contain a mix of Han and other scripts (not counting those which use Jpan or Kore).
if sc == "Hants" then
sc = get_script(sc, nil, nil, useRequire)
if not length then
length = ulen(text)
-- Count characters by removing everything in the script's charset and comparing to the original length.
local charset = sc.characters
local count = charset and length - ulen(ugsub(text, "[" .. charset .. "]+", "")) or 0
if count >= length then
return sc
elseif count > bestcount then
bestcount = count
bestscript = sc
-- Return best matching script, or otherwise None.
return bestscript or get_script("None", nil, nil, useRequire)

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