Template talk:Calc/headness

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The word order headedness values don't make a lot of sense... SOV > SVO > VSO > OSV > OVS > VOS? "Overall headedness" is most closely correlated with the order of V and O, and less so with V and S, V being the head in both cases. Ílchőfti Lēmáthīd (talk) 14:10, 21 January 2014 (CET)

I am not a supporter of the Classmeter and its components, I think it is difficult to calculate and average linguistical features. If you are proficient in the coding, I give you all the rights to change and adapt the template to improve its accuracy. That said, well... There are always problems with regularisations like this one. Waahlis.png Waahlis 19:52, 22 January 2014 (CET)

it is not about anything absolute because languages don't have absolute things, just give an average on what kind of features one can expect. Zelos.png Emperor Zelos 20:02, 22 January 2014 (CET)