Contionary:suciuuq: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Noun: replaced: sentence in Knrawi here|translation here → |, removed: Category:Knrawi terms missing example sentences)
m (→‎Etymology: new CLCR code, replaced: a-socl → a-qsc)
Line 1: Line 1:


Revision as of 20:53, 30 January 2024



From Soc'ul' sutxihuóc



  • (Standard) IPA(key): [x̟ʊ˥k̟ɛwɔkʷ]
  • (Royal) IPA(key): [xʊ˥kɛwɔkʷ]
  • (Urban Anajrn) IPA(key): [s̠ʊ˥k̟e̞wo̞kʷ]
  • (Ufhewat) IPA(key): [xʲu˥kʲe̞wo̞kʷ]
  • (Zjiiama) IPA(key): [ʃu˥kʲəwo̞kʷ]



  1. secretary, bookkeeper
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
suciuuq inflection
sg pl/indef
sgv ptv sgv ptv
gen gen gen gen
nom/dat sucíuuqg sucîuuqg sucíuuqvi sucîuuqvi sucìuuqg sucîuuqg* sucìuuqvi sucîuuqvi*
acc suciuuq sûciuuq zisuciuuq zîsuciuuq sùciuuq sûciuuq* zìsuciuuq zîsuciuuq*
loc sg sucíuuqg sĝ sucîuuqg sr sucíuuqvi sr̂ sucîuuqvi sg̀ sucìuuqg sĝ sucîuuqg* sr̀ sucìuuqvi sr̂ sucîuuqvi*
*low falling tone in some regions