Lakovic languages

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Not to be confused with the Lahob languages.

Swadesh lists for the Lakovic languages

Lakovic languages/Sketchbook

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Originally Talma, Bjeheond and Txapoalli; today worldwide
Linguistic classificationOne of Tricin's primary language families
  • Ashanic
  • Western Bjeheondian
  • Tumhanian
  • Etalocian
  • Txapoallian

The Lakovic languages (/ləˈkoʊvɪk/ lə-KOH-vik; Windermere: fi imbrits Lăcof) are a major Trician language family, originally native to Talma. The family is inspired by Semitic, Mon-Khmer and Austronesian languages.


Lakovic should be huge

Urheimat: Talma

Language with dissimilated reduplicated plurals/verbs

Proto-Ashanic = vaguely Salish grammar

some confusion between derivational affixes and trigger/applicatives in Ashanic

an ergative Lakovic language

a Lakovic language with a Tsjoen-style possessed classifier system

Whence Ashanic breathy voice?



Need Txapoallian and Etalocian Lakovic languages

Proto-Lakovic phonology

vaguely Proto-Algonquian/Georgian


Labial Dental Domed Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ŋ /ŋ/
Plosive voiced b /b/ d /d/ g /ɡ/
voiceless p /p/ t /t/ k /k/ q /q/
Affricate c /t͡s/ ć /t͡ʂ/ č /t͡ʃ/
Fricative s /s/ ś /ʂ/ š /ʃ/ x /x/ h /h/
Resonant w /w/ l /l/ r /r/ y /j/


i u e o ä a /i u e o æ a/

Syllabic ṃ ṇ ḷ ṛ

There is disagreement about the vowel ä - it may have been /æ/ or /ə/.


Proto-Lakovic had some long and unanalyzable roots

Words always ended in a vowel, unlike in Proto-Ashanic. (?)

Proto-Lakovic morphology

Root structure

Roots consisted of 1 or 2 syllables, and were stressed on the final syllable.


Nouns were pluralized by reduplication, as in the Salish languages. e.g. *lakof = person; *laklakof = people

There was a feminine clitic =cin.

Nouns had no morphological case; genitive noun phrases were formed by concatenation.

Ashanic developed a new associative plural suffix -am.



  • = I
  • śen = you (sg)
  • in = he
  • insin = she
  • tsa = we (exc)
  • pang = we (inc)

Verbs and adjectives

Verbs inflected for triggers, TAM, pluractionality, and evidentiality. Present-day Lakovic languages preserve these inflections to varying levels.

There was a feminine prefix, wa-.

  • Ashanic: paŋ = destination trigger
  • Ashanic: ìt, PLak: ixt = locative trigger

Derivational morphology

  • ś infix: nominalization
    • Breathy voice ablaut in Ashanic
  • infix: non-volitional or passive verbs
    • Ashanic àr, Wdm.
  • Ashanic: bì-~bù- = agentive
  • Ashanic: hà- = resultative (passive in Windermere)
  • t- = denominal verbs, causative (Wdm. th-)
  • Ashanic: u- = intensive
  • Adjectivizer, stative
    • Wdm. yă-, Tseezh xi-, Häskä yə-

Proto-Lakovic syntax

Proto-Lakovic had flexible word order, but the most common word order was VSO.


  • lakof = human, person
  • ṛ-: nonvolitional
  • tkä 'to go'
    • Proto-Ashanic àrtka < ṛ-tkä
      • Windermere răchta 'to die'
      • Tseezh thaka 'to go'
      • Tsjoen tjo
  • PAsh ksìʔ > Wdm. scie 'star'
  • PAsh śkey > Wdm. scey 'bark'
  • PAsh ʔma
    • Wdm. ăma
  • PAsh ʔeb
    • Wdm. ep
  • PLak ḷban
    • PAsh àlbon 'water'
      • Wdm. blon
      • Tseezh oobon, Modern nbon
    • Häskä əlfon
  • PLak dṛmäzh 'rain'
    • Tsrovesh dvmazh
    • PAsh dàrmày
      • Wdm. trămäy
  • PAsh madaŋs 'struggle, war'
    • Wdm.mătäng 'war'
  • PLak žän
    • PAsh šan 'to utter, to say'; šàn 'word'
      • Proto-Tumhanic hjàn 'word'
        • Schong jahn
        • Æ jov?
      • Wdm. șän
  • PLak ḷgän 'straight, upright'
    • PAsh àlgan
      • Wdm. glan 'straight'
      • Tseezh ookhan


ardolni > vduli

urti > era, ert-

mtsiw > mtser

mšaxk > msholki

m-muc > amuc


check Æ tone reflexes

  • first, breathy voice gives 3/1 vs 2/4 split
  • then final consonants and voicing gives various outcomes
Proto-Ashanic Ashanic Proto-Tumhanic Tumhanic Etalocian
Windermere Tseezh Schong Æ Tsăloșian Wiebian Ferlitian
*àdòn "one" doan don thohn
*ùrat "two" rath oozhad raat ras
*tsiw "three" stiw txim (rebracketed from 4) tsiw tjův
*mšàk "four" smech khaag njaai njærv meih
*Vmǜc "five" müets omøøtx muhs vur
*dak "six" tach dag thak tars
*àbòt "seven" boath aabood phoht pov
*słeb "eight" łep xev schap læ̊g
*ʔlòy "nine" loay wooj loih løv
*tap "ten" thaf rab tap tås
*suyàw "eleven" săyäw taxaa sew søv
*srük "twelve" srüch tzhøg srk rurs