Chlouvānem/Swadesh list
No. | English | Chlouvānem |
1 | I | lili |
2 | you (singular) | sāmi (informal) nami (formal superior) tami (formal equal) ravi (formal inferior)[1] |
3 | he | no 3rd person pronouns for animate beings. (A combination of) titles, given names, and honorifics are used instead. |
4 | we | yūk |
5 | you (plural) | nami (informal, sometimes also formal for undefined groups) yavyāta (formal, undefined groups) yakaliyātam (formal, defined groups) |
6 | they | (for inanimate beings only:) THING-class demonstratives are used (for animate beings:) PERSON-class demonstratives are used (rare, may be offensive) |
7 | this | nenē and other 10 forms with positions specified in space |
8 | that | medial: nunū and other 10 forms distal: nanā and other 10 forms |
9 | here | ejulā and other 9 forms |
10 | there | medial: uñjulā and other 9 forms distal: āñjulā and other 9 forms |
11 | who | yavita? |
12 | what | yanū? |
13 | where | yajulā? |
14 | when | yamiya? |
15 | how | yalīce? |
16 | not | gu(n) … ša[2] |
17 | all | yaiva |
18 | many | taili |
19 | some | sora |
20 | few | ṣūbha |
21 | other | viṣam |
22 | one | emibe, emi |
23 | two | dani |
24 | three | pāmvi |
25 | four | nęlte |
26 | five | šulka |
27 | big | sūrṣake (sūrṣ-, 1) |
28 | long | mųrmake (mųrm-, 1) |
29 | wide | švadhake (švadh-, 1) |
30 | thick | ḍirake (2: ḍerire - ḍirirek - iḍirirā) |
31 | heavy | ūṭṇake (ūṭṇ-, 1) |
32 | small | ñikake (2: ñekire - ñikirek - iñikirā) |
33 | short | chītake (2: chētire - chītirek - ichītirā) |
34 | narrow | šumbrake (2: šimbrire - šumbrirek - ušumbrirā) |
35 | thin | ṭaɂake (ṭaɂ-, 1) |
36 | woman | hulin |
37 | man (adult male) | dralkam |
38 | man (human being) | lila |
39 | child | samin |
40 | wife | laleichim, honorific: ħaiɂlañši |
41 | husband | rūdakis, honorific: šulañšoe |
42 | mother | meinā, honorific: nāḍima |
43 | father | bunā, honorific: tāmvāram |
44 | animal | švas |
45 | fish | daltah |
46 | bird | gūṇa |
47 | dog | thudam |
48 | louse | ṭaḍhūh |
49 | snake | māruḍa |
50 | worm | tūlum |
51 | tree | jñūm |
52 | forest | nanai |
53 | stick | daṇḍa |
54 | fruit | hælveh |
55 | seed | dūdha |
56 | leaf | nūlya |
57 | root | lǣca |
58 | bark (of a tree) | ṇīṭah |
59 | flower | junyā |
60 | grass | humai |
61 | rope | pąnna |
62 | skin | ṇīṭah |
63 | meat | mædhram |
64 | blood | ūvṛṣam |
65 | bone | ḍulṭhīh |
66 | fat (noun) | ḍåtvāk (plurale tantum) |
67 | egg | pomai |
68 | horn | ṭaiɂa |
69 | tail | laiṭa |
70 | feather | ṭuvilam |
71 | hair | pārāk (plurale tantum) |
72 | head | lāṇṭam |
73 | ear | minnūlya; literary: mindṛṣūs |
74 | eye | mešīn; literary: mešīlgis, nāhim |
75 | nose | nālkum |
76 | mouth | dehām |
77 | tooth | aṣṭras |
78 | tongue (organ) | jeltā |
79 | fingernail | kaipē; literary: damītah, parṣūs |
80 | foot | junai |
81 | leg | pājya; literary: peithṛṣūs |
82 | knee | dækṣuh |
83 | hand | dhāna |
84 | wing | bhugrā |
85 | belly | palṣis |
86 | guts | kāraṇḍhai (pl) |
87 | neck | avṛcah |
88 | back | joraṇa |
89 | breast | maula |
90 | heart | taugikā; togīn |
91 | liver | ṭarkas |
92 | to drink | mulke (2: molē - mulek - umula) |
93 | to eat | yųlake (2: yąlē - yųlek - uyųla) |
94 | to bite | švinake (2: švenē - švinek - išvina) |
95 | to suck | mukke (2: mokkē - mukkek - umukka) |
96 | to spit | ette (et-, 1) |
97 | to vomit | gåtnake (gåtn-, 1) |
98 | to blow | heimake (6: heimē - hamek - ahima) |
99 | to breathe | dīvake (12abl: dēvah - dīvek - idīva) |
100 | to laugh | huppake (2: hoppē - huppek - uhuppa) |
101 | to see | mišake (2: mešē - mišek - imiša) |
102 | to hear | milge (√mind-, 11a: mendah - mindek - iminda) |
103 | to know | tṛlake (2: tarlirē - tṛlirek - atṛlirā) |
104 | to think | nilyake (11abl: nelyęre - nilyirek - inilyirā) |
105 | to smell | ṣurgake (2: ṣirgē - ṣurgek - uṣurga) |
106 | to fear | tvorgake (tvorg-, 1, interior only) |
107 | to sleep | pudbhe (2: podbhē - pudbhek - upudbha) |
108 | to live | lilke (11: lilah - lilek - ilila) |
109 | to die | ḍūkke (11: ḍūkęre - ḍūkirek - uḍūkirā) |
110 | to kill | kaudṛke (irr: kaudarē - kaudṛk - kaudadrā) or causative forms of ḍūkke |
111 | to fight | huṃħake (2: hiṃħē - huṃħek - uhuṃħa) |
112 | to hunt | pudhake (2: podhē - pudhek - upudha) |
113 | to hit | tulge (2: togē - tugek - utuga) |
114 | to cut | guṃsake (2: goṃsē - guṃsek - uguṃsa) |
115 | to split | mirɂake (2: merɂē - mirɂek - imirɂa) |
116 | to stab | ikhlake (2: ekhlē - ikhlek - īkhla) |
117 | to scratch | prubake (3: praubē - prubek - upruba) |
118 | to dig | lauṣpe (lauṣp-, 1, redupl. ħ) |
119 | to swim | MONO: lįke (2irr[3]: lehē - lihek - iliha); MULTI: lærṣake (lærṣ-, 1) |
120 | to fly | MONO: mugdhe (2: modhē - mudhek - umudha); MULTI: mordhake (mordh-, 1) |
121 | to walk | MONO: lulke (irr, redupl. ħ: liven[4] - dāmek - elīsa); MULTI: peithake (peith-, 1[5]) |
122 | to come | ū(b)- "to X closer" prefix before any motion verb (e.g. ūlulke, ūpeithake, ūlįke, ūlærṣake…) ta- "to arrive" prefix before any motion verb (e.g. talulke, tapeithake, talįke, talærṣake) |
123 | to lie (as in a bed) | tokte (ta-√ut-, 2: tautē, totek, toɂuta) root -ut- plus any positional prefix. |
124 | to sit | tamirte (ta-√mirt-, 2: tamertē, tamirtek, temirta) root -mirt- plus any positional prefix. |
125 | to stand | tatyāke (ta-√tyā-, 2 irr: tatimē, tatyāk, taɂatyā) root -tyā- plus any positional prefix. |
126 | to turn (intransitive) | næljake (8: næljē, noljek, enilja); exterior forms are transitive, interior ones intransitive. |
127 | to fall | sturake (irr: starē, stārau (3SG: stāṭ), ustura) |
128 | to give | męlike (męly-, 1) |
129 | to hold | nædhake (11: nædhē, nyaudhek, unudha) |
130 | to squeeze | curake (2: corē, curek, ucura) |
131 | to rub | lišvake (2: lešvē, lišvek, ilišva) |
132 | to wash | mutake (2: mitē, mutek, umuta) |
133 | to wipe | bislišvake (2: bislešvē, bislišvek, bisilišva) |
134 | to pull | MONO: khulike (2: kholyē, khulik, ukhulya); MULTI: kharlyake (kharly-, 1) |
135 | to push | norake (9: norē, neirek, anāra) |
136 | to throw | kunake (2: konē, kunek, ukuna) |
137 | to tie | chladyake (chlady-, 1) |
138 | to sew | kællake (10: kællē, kyallek, ekīlla) |
139 | to count | smoḍake (smoḍ-, 1) |
140 | to say | kulke (2: kilē - kulek - ukula) |
141 | to sing | lijake (2: lejē - lijek - ilija) |
142 | to play | ħulde (2: ħildē - ħuldek - uħulda)[6] |
143 | to float | in the air: MONO: yåjyake (5: yåjyē - ejyek - ayåjya); MULTI: ējrake (ējr-, 1); on water: MONO: uṭake (2: oṭē - uṭek - uɂuṭa); MULTI: arṭake (arṭ-, 1) |
144 | to flow | buñjñake (2: boñjñē - buñjñek - ubuñjña) |
145 | to freeze | tæḍoljalle (irr: tæḍolvi - tæḍolnīk - tæḍolri) |
146 | to swell | åbdvake (åbdv-, 1) |
147 | sun | hånna |
148 | moon | hulyā (the greater of the two Calémerian moons, cf. Cerian Ašeira) tuva (the lesser of the two moons, cf. Cerian Dógato) |
149 | star | ñaiṭa |
150 | water | maila |
151 | rain | daša |
152 | river | maita |
153 | lake | gūltis |
154 | sea | jaryā |
155 | salt | nanūkah |
156 | stone | tāmira |
157 | sand | chlebam |
158 | dust | paɂeh |
159 | earth | babhrām |
160 | cloud | vælvah |
161 | fog | yāmyah |
162 | sky | lairē |
163 | wind | prātas |
164 | snow | kaiṭas |
165 | ice | ḍolam |
166 | smoke | rāṣmas |
167 | fire | javyāh (good); kūrokas (bad) |
168 | ash | narmis (singular only) |
169 | to burn | vilphe (3: vailphē - vilphek - ivilpha) |
170 | road | ūnima līlta (especially unpaved) |
171 | mountain | ñaryāh |
172 | red | ūnika (noun), ūnikake (ūnik-, 1) (verb) |
173 | green | rādhās (noun); rādhake (rādh-, 1) (verb) |
174 | yellow | pale yellow: yulta (noun); yultake (yult-, 1) (verb) golden yellow: chlirāma (noun); chlirāke (chlirā-, 1) (verb) |
175 | white | pāṇḍa (noun); pāṇḍake (pāṇḍ-, 1) (verb) |
176 | black | murka (noun); murkake (murk-, 1) (verb) |
177 | night | lalyā |
178 | day | pārṇam |
179 | year | heirah |
180 | warm | ambient warmth: nīlāh (n); nīlake (3: nailire - nīlirek - inīlirā); contact warmth: ūṣṇyah (n); ūṣṇike (2: oṣṇyire - ūṣṇyirek - uɂūṣṇyirā) |
181 | cold | ambient cold: jålkhah (n); jålkhe (jålkh-, 1); contact cold: švyāntas (n); švyānte (švyānt-, 1) |
182 | full | smurake (2: smorire - smurirek - usmurirā, interior only) |
183 | new | lališake (lališ-, 1, interior only) |
184 | old | gęṇṭake (gęṇṭ-, 1) (animate, i.e. old = not young); brūmake (brūm-, 1) (inanimate, i.e. old = not new); sārvake (sāru-, 1) (ancient, things from very old times) |
185 | good | hulābdān |
186 | bad | garpake (garp-, 1) |
187 | rotten | volgrake (volgr-, 1) |
188 | dirty | sījhake (2: sējhire - sījhirek - isījhirā) |
189 | straight | svātrake (svātr-, 1) |
190 | round | ñęrcake (ñęrc-, 1) |
191 | sharp (as a knife) | lūjlausake (lūjl·aus-, 1) or lūjle (lūjl-, 1) |
192 | dull (as a knife) | kuṇḍhake (2: koṇḍhire - kuṇḍhirek - ukuṇḍhirā) |
193 | smooth | ninnake (2: nennire - ninnirek - ininnirā) |
194 | wet | tarike (tary-, 1) |
195 | dry | būṃṣake (būṃṣ-, 1) |
196 | correct | svātārṣake (svātārṣ-, 1) |
197 | near | ū(b)- (verbal prefix) |
198 | far | bis- (verbal prefix) |
199 | right | māha- (verbal prefix) |
200 | left | vyā- (verbal prefix) |
201 | at | ta-, ū(b)- (verbal prefixes) |
202 | in | plain locative case; na(ñ)-, gin- (verbal prefixes) |
203 | with | lā (+ essive) (comitative); instrumental case (instrumental) |
204 | and | no (complete list; also between related sentences), las (incomplete list) sama (between sentences only) |
205 | if | pū |
206 | because | tī; menni; consequential secondary moods |
207 | name | haloe |
- ^ Given names with the appropriate titles are often used instead of these pronouns.
- ^ -n before vowels. The ša part of the circumfix is omitted if the verb is used attributively or if the interrogative particle dam is present.
- ^ Behaves as lis- before consonants.
- ^ Irregular present tense: lå, lin, liven then regular class 2 forms.
- ^ Contracted past 3SG: pat.
- ^ "To play" for musical instruments is translated differently depending on the instrument: tulge for percussions, ghūmake for aerophones, prṣake for stringed instruments not played with a bow and keyboards, and lišvake for stringed instruments played with a bow. "To play a melody" is sumorake.