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63 bytes added ,  26 April 2021
→‎Lexicography: AWB, replaced: {{C| → {{term| (21)
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m (→‎Lexicography: AWB, replaced: {{C| → {{term| (21))
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In the Guosa language, visible and concrete objects are of Hausa, and or other northern Nigerian languages origin.
In the Guosa language, visible and concrete objects are of Hausa, and or other northern Nigerian languages origin.

* àbíncí - {{C|ߊ߬ߓߌ߫ߒߗߌ߫}} - food /
* àbíncí - {{term|ߊ߬ߓߌ߫ߒߗߌ߫}} - food /
* gbóntì - {{C|ߜߏ߫ߒߕߌ߬}} - to hear, to listen
* gbóntì - {{term|ߜߏ߫ߒߕߌ߬}} - to hear, to listen
* íkpikpi - {{C|ߌ߫ߜ߳ߌߜ߳ߌ}} - bacteria
* íkpikpi - {{term|ߌ߫ߜ߳ߌߜ߳ߌ}} - bacteria
* kwàndó - {{C|ߞ؛ߥߊ߬ߒߘߏ߫}} - basket ... y?w?
* kwàndó - {{term|ߞ؛ߥߊ߬ߒߘߏ߫}} - basket ... y?w?
* kázá - {{C|ߞߊ߫ߛ߭ߊ߫}} - hen ... z?!?
* kázá - {{term|ߞߊ߫ߛ߭ߊ߫}} - hen ... z?!?
* lítáfí - {{C|ߟߌ߫ߕߊ߫ߝߌ߫}} - book
* lítáfí - {{term|ߟߌ߫ߕߊ߫ߝߌ߫}} - book
* fénsà - {{C|ߝߋ߫ߒߛߊ߬}} - pencil /
* fénsà - {{term|ߝߋ߫ߒߛߊ߬}} - pencil /
* bíko - {{C|ߓߌ߫ߞߏ}} - please
* bíko - {{term|ߓߌ߫ߞߏ}} - please
* rúwá - {{C|ߙߎ߫ߥߊ߫}} - water (no glottal stop before w)
* rúwá - {{term|ߙߎ߫ߥߊ߫}} - water (no glottal stop before w)
* kófà - {{C|ߞߏ߫ߝߊ߬}} - door
* kófà - {{term|ߞߏ߫ߝߊ߬}} - door
* báasì - {{C|ߓߊ߯ߛߌ߬}} - yes
* báasì - {{term|ߓߊ߯ߛߌ߬}} - yes
* mó - {{C|ߡߏ߫}} - I
* mó - {{term|ߡߏ߫}} - I
* mí - {{C|ߡߌ߫}} - me (oblique), postposition my
* mí - {{term|ߡߌ߫}} - me (oblique), postposition my
* ó - {{C|ߏ߫}} - third person singular personal pronoun
* ó - {{term|ߏ߫}} - third person singular personal pronoun
* shìhé - {{C|ߛ߭ߌ߬ߤߋ߫}} - to open
* shìhé - {{term|ߛ߭ߌ߬ߤߋ߫}} - to open
* ng - {{C|ߢ߭}} - present progressive marker
* ng - {{term|ߢ߭}} - present progressive marker
* bìa - {{C|ߓߌ߫ߊ}} - to come
* bìa - {{term|ߓߌ߫ߊ}} - to come
* tí - {{C|ߕߌ߫}} - perfective marker, relative clause particle
* tí - {{term|ߕߌ߫}} - perfective marker, relative clause particle
* la - {{C|ߟߊ}} - simple past tense marker
* la - {{term|ߟߊ}} - simple past tense marker
* jìndé - {{C|ߖߌ߬ߒߘߋ߫}} - to arise
* jìndé - {{term|ߖߌ߬ߒߘߋ߫}} - to arise
* è - {{C|ߋ߬}} - pluralizing prefix
* è - {{term|ߋ߬}} - pluralizing prefix

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