Literature:The Holy Quran 1

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The Quran, also romanized Qur'an or Koran, is the central religious text of Islam, believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God. It is organized in 30 juz's, 60 ahzab, and 114 chapters, which consist of numerous verses. In addition to its religious significance, it is widely regarded as the finest work in Arabic literature, and has significantly influenced the Arabic language.


The Holy Quran 1


Hizb 1: Alif-Lam-Meem, Part 1

Chapter 1: The Opening

1. In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.

2. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

3. The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

4. Master of the Day of Judgment.

5. It is You we worship, and upon You alone we ask for help:

6. Guide us to the straight path,

7. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided.

Chapter 2: The Heifer

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful,

1. Alif, Lam, Meem.

2. This is the Book, the Book in which there is no doubt. This is the guide for those mindful of God,

3. Those who believe in the unseen, and perform prayer, and give from what We have provided for them,

4. And those who believe in what was revealed to you, Oh Prophet, and in what was revealed before you, and have faith in the Hereafter.

5. It is they who are truly guided by their Lord, and it is they who are successful.

6. As for those who disbelieve, it is the same for them, whether you have warned them or not—they will not believe.

7. God has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. In this, they will suffer horrendous torment.

8. Among the people are some who say, “We believe in God and in the Last Day,” yet they are not believers.

9. They seek to disfigure God and deceive those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves, though they are not aware.

10. In their hearts is sickness, and God has only let that sickness fester. They will suffer a painful punishment for their lies.


Hoftstykk 1 : Ðe Opening

1. In ðet name af God, ðe Genæþige, ðe Mildhertige.

2. Lof sij God, Herr aller werlde.

3. Ðe Genæþige, ðe Mildhertige.

4. Ðe Heerser an ðe dag ðer rekening.

5. Ðir alleen þewenen wi, and Ðir alleen eesken wi um helpe.

6. Leed uns an ðe reghte paþ.

7. Ðe paþ ðetter, to hwelke Ðou gynstig gewesen er, neet ðetter, ðe Ðijne wreeþe fororsooken, and neet ðe irrenden.

Hoftstykk 2 : Ðe Kou (1/5)

In ðet name af God, ðe Genæþige, ðe Mildhertige.

1. Alif Lam Mim.

2. Ðet is ðet Book, an hwelk ðar nee twije is, eene wellføring for ðe froomen,

3. Ðe an ðet unseene gelooven, and ðet gebed fremmen, and ðet spenden, fråm hwat Wi him forsorgd haven,

4. And ðe gelooven, an hwat to ðir neðergesandt was, and an hwat to ðette fore ðir neðergesandt was, and ðe mid gewissheed an ðet hierafter gelooven.

5. Ðette sind up ðe wellføring sijnes Herren, and ðette sind ðe orfolgrijken.

6. Indeed is hit to ðe ungeløvigen gelijk, of ðou hir warnst oðe neet warnst, si skullen neet gelooven.

7. God hat here herten and here gehøre gesygeld, and over here sighte is een slør, and for hir is eene groote stråpe.

8. And twisken ðe liede sind ðar some, ðe segen : "Wi gelooven an God and an ðe Læteste Dag", ofwell si neet gelooven.

9. Si forsøken, God and ðe geløvigen te dreugen, jeðough dreugen si nor sig self, and si seffen hit neet.

10. In here herten is een sieknis, and God hat her sieknis geokt. And si skull eene smarte stråpe for here lyge haven.

11. And hwann si gesagd beun : "Forspreddet neet ðe werre in ðe erþe.", segen si : "Wi sind nor foranðerers."

12. Nee ! Indeed sind si ðe werreforspredders, jet si seffen hit neet.

13. And hwann si gesagd beun : "Geloovet, als liede gelooveden.", segen si : "Skullen wi gelooven, als ðe dwåsen gelooveden ?" Nee ! Indeed sind si ðe dwåsen, jet si witen hit neet.

14. And hwann si ðe geløvigen møten, segen si : "Wi gelooven." And hwann si mid sijne deuvels alleen sind, segen si : "Indeed sind wi mid jyw. Indeed spotten wi hin."

15. God spottet hir, and Hi streekt hir in here overtreding, so ðat si blindlijk wanderen.

16. Ðette sind si, ðe wellføring for irrdom gedieskt haven, jeðough hat her handel him neet genyttet. And si sind neet wellgeførd.

17. Her bijspell is als ðe bijspell ðetter, ðe een fyr tynderen. And als hit allt um hit liemt, andtækt God her light, and leevet hir in ðe mørke, so ðat si neet meer seen.

18. Doof, dumb and blind, kunnen si (fråm sijn irrdom) neet tebakkommen.

19. Oðe als (ðe bijspell af) een regenstorm fråm ðe heven, in hwelk mørke, þunder and leumen sind. Si þrykken in døþesangst sijne fingers in sijne ooren fanwege ðer þunderslegs. And God fatet ðe ungeløvigen um.


Súre 1: Þá Erupneng

  1. Im namenь þes geniáþichenь, líchtliátichenь Guds.
  2. Ále ráþь Gudie, áler viáldien Druchtnie,
  3. þem geniáþichenь, þem líchtliátichenь,
  4. þem im dámsdaże uvierriáþendenь.
  5. Þik ályn bíriem bír, end þik ályn bidiem bír um hielpie.
  6. Lydie unsь þe faste viag,
  7. þe viag jíner án í þú geniáþe viz, yncz jíner ím þín turn gefálen isь, nieþ þier jériendenь.


سور ١: فّير طّيلڃ

1. بسم الله باچ كيحێيېراش باچ ࢰێدگوتيېراش

2. نيم ويعس گوعط اللهې باطۈيع ڢيعسيسام بێعمينس

3. باچ كيحێيېرې باچ ࢰێدگوتيېرې

4. ساروارې ۈمنيس هوعكێميس

5. طې نيم وي دوعط هو طې هآر وي كومآگيس ێعࢰط

6. نيعسار ناس سينطّوع كۈنيغ روكطيغ

7. كۈنيغ طاشام سا طوي نېب طّيلێط ني طاشام سا طوي گوعطا دوعطّۈ بي طاشام سا گوعنط ديعوێط

سور ٢: واࢰ

1. الٓمٓ

2. سا كيتابينسێ ني شاكّسێ طاش گوعط نيعسێسێ موتادايّېرام

3. سا هاماط نيࢰّوناسڃې تارط دوعئ ێعندېࢰېنط هو بآشّ دوعنانضڃاد دۈط

4. هو سا هاماط ويت طوعوعڣطې سێتنانضڃې تارط هو سا خين هاماط ئآخيريع تارط

5. طاسّێ سا نيعسارباطۈيع طاشام سينطّا هآشې هو سا گوعنط ناج

6. هآشې طې سا هاماط تارێط ساماسێ طوع بوچ وڣانطيع شوما بي ني هاماط نيتاريطيع

7. اللهاس مۈر ࢰێدماس هو ۈسيېرماس طاشام طّالێط هوغشاوېسێ ۈࢰّيېريسێعنې طاشام هو طېماس يعقآبسێ ميغاسێ

8. هو طېتيع سا ࢰو وي هاماط اللهې هو ۈميني كيتّيسي تارط مين يوعط ني هاماطڃآسێسێ

9. طمس خواز روچ آللهې هو هاماطڃآسێماس يېࢰ طّالط مين يوعط روچ سي يېࢰېنط سآدې هو نيديرࢰينط

10. هوطوعسێ ࢰێديسينې طاشام اللهاس ويت هوط نېࢰێط هو طېماس يعقآبسێ كۈرطيعسێ ېرّې خعدێس طېتيع