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Revision as of 19:41, 18 July 2015 by Ceige (talk | contribs)
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Paired with the Aristocratic ("Topular") Tongue
Paired with the Popular Tongue
The language related to the Topular Tongue


  • Dwo(i)h₁ > Dəgo(ze) > Rgo(ze) > Erogo(ze) > Eroğo(ze) > Erou
Erō(rg>w)a? Shi-Erōwa-ng sē.

" Random european mess of a language


Sister/weird descendant/weird ancestor to PIE
See above for a version of sorts of it (previously Táwpəikə)
  • [[User:Ceige/Teuvi|Teuvi]
An Frankified Germanic. Hon hon
An attempt at making a "convenient" Proto-Afroasiatic for conlanging purposes
My usual mucking around with Germanic IAL ideas, but now with a Linguifex page! Yay! NOTE: as is the nature with such projects, do not expect much "originality" to match the "Ceigean" part. I just don't have a good name for these things yet.
What it says on the tin.

Abandoned Projects

The "Something"[which something?]-ic language family.

  • Kamut-Ayutic (x > k?? q = q)
Culturally unified somehow, IDK
  • Kamut (< *kamu-t-m-i-en, "of those by the place from amongst the Kamuy) "ptk ptk ptk"
Simpifies Late-Proto-Kamut largely.
  • Ayut (< *ayu-t, "from amongst the bears") "ptk vtg ptk"
More innovative than Kamut.
  • Hevaic (< *xepa; "horse") (x > h?? q > k??)
The major branch that spread out into the open plains. Did not participate in Late-Proto-Kamut.
  • Hevajat (< *hepa-ya-t), "From amongst the cavaliers") "ptk vðg ptk"
The languages of the Hevajat nations. Most conservative of the branch. Historically accelerating society.
  • Hevain (< *hepa-ya-in, "Of the cavaliers") "ptk vðg ptk"
The languages of the (further out?) Hevain nations. More fusional than Hevajat.
  • Hevin (Sännin/Sännätin < *samit-ata-in, "of the father of heaven") "ptk vðg ???"
Essentially a further simplified Hevain. Has experienced a major culture shift "recently".

Miscellaneous (Mostly Inuit) inspired languages:

  • Antaðeq, AKA YALLA "Yet Another Linguifex Located Antarctic"
  • Lōndstāl, Some Middle Englishy thing I guess, I dunno.
  • Czech project, Some attempt at making some "Far-Western Slavic Languages".

Projects on Hiatus until struck with Further Inspiration™

Here is my language that's on here: Medyestani

Dead Projects