Category:IPA keys
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This category collates IPA keys for conlangs on Linguifix, for help with International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) see Guide:IPA.
Pages in category "IPA keys"
The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total.
- IPA for Aelatha
- IPA for Attian
- IPA for Avendonian
- IPA for Ayeri
- IPA for Azano
- IPA for Biscayan
- IPA for Brittainese
- IPA for Central Isles Creole
- IPA for Cet
- IPA for Cha
- IPA for Ckul
- IPA for Cruckeny
- IPA for Etlish
- IPA for Favlona
- IPA for Grekelin
- IPA for Guimin
- IPA for Gwaxol
- IPA for Hantza
- IPA for Hemaluan
- IPA for High Valyrian
- IPA for Hraayan
- IPA for Iaskyon
- IPA for Ierumidd
- IPA for Jukpë
- IPA for Kaikiwan
- IPA for Keeltyewarem
- IPA for Kihā́mmic
- IPA for Kilīmos-sāîl
- IPA for Kunarek
- IPA for Luthic
- IPA for Lôppic
- IPA for Maryan Coptic
- IPA for Messinese
- IPA for Mihousapeja
- IPA for Millennish
- IPA for Modern Coptic
- IPA for Moshurian
- IPA for Nawuhu
- IPA for northern Miuicusejrn Knrawi
- IPA for Oltic
- IPA for Owaex
- IPA for Pomorian
- IPA for Ponish
- IPA for Qafesona
- IPA for Qut
- IPA for Rangyayo
- IPA for Rheinwallisch Kreol
- IPA for Royal Knrawi
- IPA for Rulhilli
- IPA for Sinatolean
- IPA for Soc'ul'
- IPA for Sohcahtoan
- IPA for southern Miuicusejrn Knrawi
- IPA for standard Knrawi
- IPA for Sudyrnish
- IPA for Ufhewat Knrawi
- IPA for Umbrean
- IPA for urban Anajrn Knrawi
- IPA for urban Miuicusejrn Knrawi
- IPA for urban Ritijrn Knrawi
- IPA for Vairish
- IPA for Varevon
- IPA for Zjiiama Knrawi
- Template:IPA keys
- Linguifex:IPA keys