This page lists Chlouvānem words which are not considered canon in its setting, Calémere. All of these words specifically refer to geographical, historical, cultural, or any other aspect known on Earth that are unknown to inhabitants of the conworld, as well as words referring to other conworlds.
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Note on source languages
As the Chlouvānem (or any other Calémerian people) do not have any knowledge of Earth, an accurate choice of any source language to be used is quite pointless; in actual usage, there could be many possible variants for each of those, as canonically no "true" Chlouvānem word exists for any of these concepts. So, even if, for example, the word for "Eurasia" listed here, ivrājiya, is adapted from Russian, an adaptation of the English word (which would be yurēja or yureija) is an equally valid alternative.
The source languages of the words listed here usually (but not always) have been chosen to fit one or more of the following criteria:
- The source language is a language that inspired Chlouvānem aesthetics;
- The word in the chosen source language is quite similar to the English and/or most common international denomination;
- The word in the source language can fit Chlouvānem phonology with few changes.
Some common endings have been borrowed in a certain way and regularized in all words that have an etymological cognate; Germanic -land is adapted as -landa [-ɴ̆ändä].
Generally, the borrowed word is then used to derive other words as if they were actual Chlouvānem words, and they have been adapted to be declined as regular Chlouvānem words.
Continents of Earth
- Eurasia: ivrājiya
- Africa: āprika
- Oceania: osǣniya
- the Americas: amærika
- Antarctica: antārṭika
Countries and languages of Earth
For the adverbial forms of languages, remove -(y)umi dhāḍa and add -inaise (or -naise after a vowel) unless the form is given.
- Afghanistan: aughānistān
- Pashto: paṣṭumi dhāḍa
- the Arab World: ħarabīya
- Arabic: ħarabīyumi dhāḍa
- Belarus: bilaruša, Belarusian: bilarušumi dhāḍa
- Bhutan: bhūṭān
- Dzongkha: colkhumi dhāḍa
- Catalunya: kataluña, Catalan: kataluñumi dhāḍa
- China: kitai
- Mandarin: mandarīlkitājñumi dhāḍa (-kitājñaise, also for the following ones)
- Cantonese: yūtkitājñumi dhāḍa
- Hokkien: hokkyalkitājñumi dhāḍa
- Denmark: dænmarka, Danish: dænmarkyumi dhāḍa
- Emilia: emellya, Emilian: emilyānumi dhāḍa / emilyānaise
- England: ilglanda, English: ilglandyumi dhāḍa
- Antigua and Barbuda: æntīgva barbūda no ga lanāye
- Australia: austrālya
- Barbados: barbeidas ga lanai
- Dominica: daminīka ga lanai
- Grenada: griṇeida ga lanai
- Jamaica: jameika ga lanai
- Saint Kitts and Nevis: brausire kristopera nīvis no ga lanāye
- Saint Lucia: brausire lūṣa ga lanai
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: brausire viṃsaṃta no grenadīn ga lanāye
- United Kingdom: namālire pūgakṣarivāṇa or napūṣa
- United States: amærikhi namālirāhe babhrāk or amænabhrāk (both plural)
- France: praṃsa, French: praṃsyumi dhāḍa
- Georgia: grujiya, Georgian: grujiṃskumi dhāḍa
- Germany: girmānya, German: girmānumi dhāḍa
- Austria: austriya
- Liechtenstein: lįteṇṣṭān
- Gujarat: gujrāta, Gujarati: gujrātiyumi dhāḍa
- Hungary: måjarumi babhrām, Hungarian: måjarumi dhāḍa / måjarṇaise
- Iceland: īslanda, Icelandic: īslandyumi dhāḍa
- India: bhāratah
- Hindi: hindī ga dhāḍa
- Sanskrit: saṃskrtā ga dhāḍa
- Urdu: urdū ga dhāḍa
- Iran: irān, Persian: pærṣīyumi dhāḍa / pærṣīṇaise
- Ireland: ēryah, Irish: ērjñumi dhāḍa
- Japan: nippun, Japanese: nippunyumi dhāḍa
- Kazakhstan: kajahastān, Kazakh: kajahumi dhāḍa
- Korea: cosona, Korean: cosonumi dhāḍa
- Kyrgyzstan: kurgujistān, Kyrgyz: kurgujumi dhāḍa
- Latium: latyum, Latin: latīnyumi dhāḍa
- Vatican City: vātikāmmarta or vātikānas ga marta
- Liguria: ligyūrya, Ligurian: līgyurumi dhāḍa / līgyurṇaise
- Monaco: monaka ga marta
- Lithuania: lyætuva, Lithuanian: lyætuvyumi dhāḍa
- Lombardy: lumbārdīya, Lombard: lumbārdumi dhāḍa
- Mongolia: mulgolulus, Mongolian: mulgolumi dhāḍa
- the Netherlands: nederlandai or hihirāhe babhrāk, Dutch: nederlandyumi dhāḍa
- New Zealand: autærova or lališire jīlanda ga lanāye, Maori: mauryumi dhāḍa
- Norway: narvēgiya, Norwegian: narvēgiyumi dhāḍa
- Occitania: utsitāniya, Occitan: utsitāniyumi dhāḍa / utsitānaise
- Piedmont: pyemūnta, Piedmontese: pyemūntyumi dhāḍa
- Portugal: purtugāva, Portuguese: purtugāvumi dhāḍa / purtugaunaise
- Angola: algola
- Brazil: brajīvuh
- Cabo Verde: kabuvēji ga lanāye
- Goa: govā
- Guinea-Bissau: bisāvi ginēya
- Macao: makāva
- Mozambique: musambīkih
- São Tomé e Príncipe: brausire tumǣ prīṃsipi no ga lanāye
- Timor Leste: naleiyūtei timora
- Punjab: pañjāba, Punjabi: pañjābiyumi dhāḍa
- Romagna: rumāña, Romagnol: rumanyolyumi dhāḍa
- San Marino: sammarīn
- Romania: ramunīya, Romanian: ramunyumi dhāḍa
- Russia: rasīya, Russian: rasīyumi dhāḍa
- Soviet Union: savyætskirāhe satsialistīceskirāhe darīyoemi mālna or sausadamā
- Sardinia: sardæña, Sardinian: sardæñumi dhāḍa
- Sicily: sicīlya, Sicilian: sicīlyumi dhāḍa
- Singapore: siṃhapura (ga marta)
- Scotland: alapa, Scottish Gaelic: alapyumi dhāḍa
- Sweden: svēciya, Swedish: svēciyumi dhāḍa
- Switzerland: svīsra
- Rumantsch: rumañcumi dhāḍa / rumañcñaise
- Swiss German: svīsṛgirmānumi dhāḍa
- Tajikistan: tajikistān, Tajik: tajikumi dhāḍa
- Turkmenistan: turkmenistān, Turkmen: turkmenumi dhāḍa
- Tuscany: tuskāna, Tuscan: tuskānumi dhāḍa / tuskānaise
- Italy: itālya
- Ukraine: ukrayīna, Ukrainian: ukrayīnyumi dhāḍa
- Proto-Indo-European: obhāratyorapīyumi dhāḍa
- Uzbekistan: ojubekistān, Uzbek: ojubekumi dhāḍa
- Veneto: vēneta, Venetian: vēnetumi dhāḍa
- Vietnam: vyatnām, Venetian: vyatnāmiumi dhāḍa
- Wales: kaṃrih, Welsh: kaṃrāgumi dhāḍa
Latin words keep their endings but are declined as Chlouvānem words, even if they have different stems in Latin, e.g. venus → venave "on Venus". The choice of using the Latin word was made because of their use in most European languages and, through English, in many others. Earth being the Sanskrit word is partly because of the many terms in use in European languages, partly a homage to the main aesthetic inspiration behind Chlouvānem.
- Mercury: merkuryus
- Venus: venus
- Earth: bhūmih
- Mars: mārtis
- Jupiter: yūpiteh
- Saturn: sāturṇus
- Uranus: ūraṇus
- Neptune: neptūnus