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Hakdor | |
Iuqilol | |
Pronunciation | [ju.ʤi.lol] |
Created by | BenJamin P. Johnson,
creator of:
curator of: |
Date | 2022 |
Setting | Planet Aterra |
Hakdor (natively known as Iuqilol /juʤiˈlol/) is any of various language modes employed by the Hakdor (also known as “the Blighted”), a genetically modified race of humanoids on Aterra.
Unlike standard human languages, the language of the Hakdor is not based exclusively on phonology. Instead it is based on a series of “modes,” of which phonology is just one expression. It is possible for a group of Hakdor who primarily use a vocal language to communicate instantly with a group whose language is primarily manual, written, or melodic, since all the modes are just reflexes of the same processes.
However, since spoken language is the theme of this exercise, the average approximate phonology of verbalized Hakdor follows.
Labial | Coronal | Palatal | Dorsal | |
Stop | p p · b |
t t · d |
q ʧ · ʤ |
k k · ɡ |
Fricative | f f · v |
s s · z |
c ʃ · ʒ |
h x · (#h) |
Nasal | n · (#m) |
n · n |
n · (ŋ#) | |
Approximant | u · w |
r · r |
i · j |
l · l |
Front | Back | |
High | i · | · u |
Mid | e · | · o |
Mid | a · |
- The standard syllable is CVC with a maximum CC at syllable boundaries.
- ⟨N⟩ is a homorganic nasal which is realized as [m] in onsets, [n] when intervocalic, and [ŋ] word-finally.
- E.g. nanan ‘name’ = [manaŋ]
- ⟨I⟩ and ⟨U⟩ may be recognized as consonants or vowels depending on adjacent phonemes. The Hakdor language is structured in such a way that nearly every word follows a pattern of CVC(VC), so if they appear adjacent to a consonant, they’re vowels; otherwise, they’re consonants. (The sole exception to the CVCVC rule occurs in verbs when the particle ra is written as a suffix to the verb, resulting in a CVCCV structure.)
Orthography & Romanization
Hak | Rom | IPA | Comp | E.g. | Rom. | Meaning |
i | i | i~ɪ | Like ⟨i⟩ in machine. | iir | yir | ‘nine’ |
e | e | e~ɛ | Like ⟨ay⟩ in day. | lehil | lekhil | ‘birl’ |
a | a | a~ɑ | Like ⟨a⟩ in father. | sasan | sazang | ‘you all’ |
o | o | o~ɔ | Like ⟨o⟩ in rope. | toroq | toroch | ‘where’ |
u | u | u~ʊ | Like ⟨oo⟩ in food. | nucut | muzhut | ‘sibling’ |
p | p | p | Like ⟨p⟩ in pool. | pai | pay | ‘seven’ |
p | b | b | When between two vowels, ⟨p⟩ is like ⟨b⟩ in able. | pepan | pebang | ‘child’ |
t | t | t | Like ⟨t⟩ in take. | takot | tagot | ‘place’ |
t | d | d | When between two vowels, ⟨t⟩ is like ⟨d⟩ in radar. | iatup | yadup | ‘xxxxxx’ |
q | ch | ʧ~ʨ | Like ⟨ch⟩ in cheese. | qik | chik | ‘young’ |
q | dj | ʤ~ʥ | When between two vowels, ⟨q⟩ is like ⟨g⟩ in rages. | naqah | madjakh | ‘neck’ |
k | k | k | Like ⟨k⟩ in keep. | koruk | koruk | ‘animal’ |
k | g | ɡ | When between two vowels, ⟨k⟩ is like ⟨g⟩ in eagle. | pikic | pigish | ‘tooth’ |
f | f | f~ф | Like ⟨f⟩ in fine. | foc | fosh | ‘red’ |
f | v | β | When between two vowels, ⟨f⟩ is like ⟨v⟩ in every. | cafin | shaving | ‘front’ |
s | s | s | Like ⟨s⟩ in seek. | siiek | siyek | ‘ear’ |
s | z | z | When between two vowels, ⟨s⟩ is like ⟨z⟩ in hazard. | cosah | shozakh | ‘for no reason’ |
c | sh | ʃ~ɕ | Like ⟨sh⟩ in shake. | cosuc | shozush | ‘because’ |
c | zh | ʒ~ʑ | When between two vowels, ⟨c⟩ is like ⟨s⟩ in usual. | kacip | kazhip | ‘stick’ |
h | h | h | At the beginning of a word, like ⟨h⟩ in hand. | heu | hew | ‘ten’ |
h | kh | x | When between two vowels or word-finally, ⟨h⟩ is like ⟨j⟩ in Spanish rojo. | cah | shakh | ‘not’ |
n | m | m | At the beginning of a word, like ⟨m⟩ in moon. | nalur | malur | ‘mother’ |
n | n | n | In the middle of a word, like ⟨n⟩ in any. | kanah | kanakh | ‘never’ |
n | ng | ŋ | At the end of a word, ⟨n⟩ is like ⟨ng⟩ in English singing. | rinen | rineng | ‘knee’ |
u | w | w | Like ⟨w⟩ in awake. | ueq | wech | ‘and not’ |
r | r | r~ɾ | Like ⟨rr⟩ in Spanish perro. | rekra | regra | ‘to make’ |
i | y | j | Like ⟨y⟩ in yell. | iitra | yidra | ‘to throw’ |
l | l | l | Like ⟨l⟩ in like. | lehilol | lekhilol | ‘flock’ |
For improved readability, our “presentation form” transliteration differentiates between the letters W and U; Y and I; M, N and NG; H and KH; and the voicing pairs P~B, T~D, CH~J, K~G, F~V, S~Z, and SH~ZH; though in the Hakdor alphabet these letters are not distinguished.
The vowels are pronounced roughly as they are in Spanish, though there can be wide variation from one speaker community to another and even from individual to individual.
Gender and Number
Hakdor nouns lack grammatical gender and number. The pronouns show rudimentary reduplicative plural forms.
Possession is indicated with the adposition -is which is suffixed to the substantive it modified (very similar to English “-’s”). In addition to standard possession of nouns, it is also used with pronouns to form the basis of the possessive pronouns rather than a separate genitive-like construction. (More under #Adpositions, below.)
Personal pronouns are fairly simple in scope. The third person does not have gender distinction, but accounts for animacy. The first person plural has clusivity (i.e. there is a difference between “we including you” and “we but not you”). The inclusive pronoun, cesan, is used for both singular and plural (i.e. “you and me” and “you all and me”); the derivation “**cesasan” is not correct, though is sometimes heard from children.
The personal pronouns are:
Singular | Plural | ||
cek | ‘I, me’ | cecek | ‘we, us’ |
cesan | ‘you and I, we’ | ||
san | ‘you’ | sasan | ‘you (all)’ |
tui | ‘he, she’ | tutui | ‘they’ |
tak | ‘it’ | tatak | ‘they, those’ |
Hakdor has a small, closed set of adpositions which follow the noun phrase (i.e. post-positions). Many common “locational” prepositions are formed with a combination of directional phrases and pertingent, allative, apudessive, genitive, or translative adpositions. For example, ‘behind you’ might be translated as kecak-et san-is – literally, “next to the back of you.”
Meaning | Type | Example | |
as | to, towards | Allative | Qetra cecek tis riqanol–as. ‘We are going to town.’ |
is | of, belonging to, ’s, related to, from, away from | Genitive | Sitra tuiek iatup cek–is. ‘This is my parent.’ |
un | with, by means of, using | Instrumental | tikra tui tak tikun–un. ‘He hits it with a hammer.’ |
of | for, for the purpose of, for the benefit of | Benefactive | Sitra qeiot –ek tis san–of. ‘This flower is for you.’ |
uq | on, touching, adjacent to, affixed to | Pertingent | Uekra qotec (kireu–is) tis nukip–uq tui–is ‘There is a (tree’s) leaf on his arm.’ |
ai | with, in the company of | Commitative | Uekra pepan tis iatup–ai tui–is ‘The child is with her father.’ |
et | by, next to, near, at, in | Apudessive | Uekra tui tis riqan–et tui–is ‘He is at his house.’ |
ik | through, past, beyond, along | Translative | Iaqetra tui tis qitulik kireuol–is ‘She walked through the forest.’ |
Some nuance can be added using different relational adpositions, e.g. using the pertingent instead of the apudessive: kecak–uq san–is ‘behind you’ ~ “on (touching) the back of you.” Allative changes the meaning yet again: kecak–as san–is ‘behind you’ ~ “to(ward) the back of you.” Genitive imparts the opposite meaning from allative: kecak–is san–is ‘from behind you’ ~ “out from the back of you.” Translative indicates motion that does not have an origin or destination: kecak–ik san–is ‘behind you’ ~ “past the back of you.” Directional deixes are shared with the parts of the body normally associated with said directions.
uq Pertingent (Touching) |
et Apudessive (Beside) |
as Allative (Towards) |
is Genitive (Away from) |
ik Translative (Past) | |
luceh ‘top ~ head’ |
on, on top of “touching the head of” |
over, above “near the head of” |
to the top of, onto, upon “towards the head of” |
from the top of “from the head of” |
over the top of, overhead “past the head of” |
cafin ‘front ~ chest’ |
on the front of “touching the chest of” |
in front of, before “near the chest of” |
to the front of “towards the chest of” |
from the front of “from the chest of” |
past the front of “past the chest of” |
nukip ‘side ~ arm’ |
on, on the side of “touching the arm of” |
beside, next to, by, near “near the arm of” |
to the side of “towards the arm of” |
from the side of “from the arm of” |
past the side of “past the arm of” |
qitul ‘middle ~ belly’ |
in, inside, on the inside of “touching the belly of” |
inside “near the belly of” |
into, to the inside of “towards the belly of” |
out of, from the inside of “from the belly of” |
through “past the belly of” |
kecak ‘back’ |
on the back of “touching the back of” |
behind “near the back of” |
behind, to the back of “towards the back of” |
(out) from behind “from the back of” |
behind, past “past the back of” |
putei ‘bottom ~ foot’ |
on the bottom of “touching the foot of” |
under, beneath “near the foot of” |
under, to the bottom of “towards the foot of” |
out from under “from the foot of” |
under, under the bottom of “past the foot of” |
Adjectives exclusively follow the nouns they modify. E.g.
When used as a predicate, the adjective is considered the direct object and fulfills the object role without the need of the expletive pronoun. E.g.
In the last sentence, “few birds” is the predicate, not just “few,” so the expletive subject tis is still required.
Perhaps due to the unique brain structure and thought processes of the Hakdor, their standard colour system is linguistically unique. While most languages develop basic colour terms in specific stages (black/white > red > yellow/green > blue > brown > pink/purple/orange/grey), based on the hexadecimal properties of their language, the Hakdor natively recognize 8 basic colour terms: those of the 1-bit 2-channel colour palette based on RBG and CMY values.
pai white #FFFFFF |
tan yellow #FFFF00 |
qoi magenta #FF00FF |
ken cyan #00FFFF |
foc red #FF0000 |
seu green #00FF00 |
cur blue #0000FF |
hul black #000000 |
The Hakdor numerals are hexadecimal; that is, base-16. For hexadecimal transcription, ⟨A⟩ is used to represent ‘ten’, ⟨B⟩ for ‘eleven’, ⟨C⟩ for ‘twelve’ , ⟨D⟩ for ‘thirteen’ , ⟨E⟩ for ‘fourteen’ , and ⟨F⟩ for ‘fifteen’. Decimal equivalents are given in parentheses after the hexadecimal.
While there are words for exponents – like hundred, thousand, million, and so on – most numbers are simply read as strings of digits from left to right. So 4EB6 (20,150 in decimal) is spoken: ual-ruk-tin-kut. As a result, two additional number terms are common in Hakdor: lalah, which we might translate as “double-zero,” and lalalah, which I’ll leave to you to figure out. So “100” is as likely to be pronounced kir-lalah as ren.
lah | 0 | iel (kir lah) | 10 | (16) | tat lah | 20 | (32) | iel (kir lah) | 10 | (16) | |
kir | 1 | kir kir | 11 | (17) | tat kir | 21 | (33) | tat lah | 20 | (32) | |
tat | 2 | kir tat | 12 | (18) | tat tat | 22 | (34) | ser lah | 30 | (48) | |
ser | 3 | kir ser | 13 | (19) | tat ser | 23 | (35) | ual lah | 40 | (64) | |
ual | 4 | kir ual | 14 | (20) | tat ual | 24 | (36) | net lah | 50 | (80) | |
net | 5 | kir net | 15 | (21) | tat net | 25 | (37) | kut lah | 60 | (96) | |
kut | 6 | kir kut | 16 | (22) | tat kut | 26 | (38) | pel lah | 70 | (112) | |
pel | 7 | kir pel | 17 | (23) | tat pel | 27 | (39) | hak lah | 80 | (128) | |
hak | 8 | kir hak | 18 | (24) | tat hak | 28 | (40) | iir lah | 90 | (144) | |
iir | 9 | kir iir | 19 | (25) | tat iir | 29 | (41) | heu lah | A0 | (160) | |
heu | A | (10) | kir heu | 1A | (26) | tat heu | 2A | (42) | tin lah | B0 | (176) |
tin | B | (11) | kir tin | 1B | (27) | tat tin | 2B | (43) | kal lah | C0 | (192) |
kal | C | (12) | kir kal | 1C | (28) | tat kal | 2C | (44) | ion lah | D0 | (208) |
ion | D | (13) | kir ion | 1D | (29) | tat ion | 2D | (45) | ruk lah | E0 | (224) |
ruk | E | (14) | kir ruk | 1E | (30) | tat ruk | 2E | (46) | uot lah | F0 | (240) |
uot | F | (15) | kir uot | 1F | (31) | tat uot | 2F | (47) | kir lalah (ren) | 100 | (256) |
Hakdor verbs are a bit unusual in that there are very few of them; in all there are a total of sixteen, all of which operate as what we might think of as auxiliary verbs. Most of them occur in opposing pairs, such as give ~ take or rise ~ fall. The Hakdor verbs are:
Base Meaning | (Some) Extended Meanings | |
keta | ‘to give’ | to transfer, to remove (from oneself), to shed, to excrete |
toka | ‘to take’ | to eat, to consume, to steal |
iita | ‘to throw’ | to observe with the senses (iita luuat = ‘look at’) |
kepa | ‘to catch’ | to capture, to seize |
pasa | ‘to fall’ | to do something accidentally, to sleep |
sopa | ‘to rise’ | to ascend, to awaken, to succeed |
ueka | ‘to sit’ | to be located, |
kupa | ‘to stand’ | to be upright, to be in a state of |
hapa | ‘to have’ | to control, to hold, to be imbued with (e.g. ability) |
reka | ‘to do’ | to make, to compel, to cause, to force |
pika | ‘to pick up’ | to grasp, ~take |
topa | ‘to put down’ | to put in place, to situate, ~give, to sense (topa luuat = ‘to see’) |
kata | ‘to keep’ | to protect, to hide |
sita | ‘to be’ | to exist, copula |
qeta | ‘to go’ | to move, to travel, to start |
tika | ‘to hit’ | to make contact with, to touch |
Yet as few verbs as there are, every clause requires one. Usually, what we generally think of as the verb of a clause is a noun which changes meaning when used as the direct object of a verb. For example, “to look at” translates as iita luuat ‘to throw eyes’, but you might think of it as the more melodious “to cast a glance.” In fact, all sensing words use iita as their verb, though “cast an ear” (iita siiek, ‘listen’) or ‘cast an eye’ (iita luuat, ‘look’) sound a little nicer to our ears than ‘throw a nose’ (iita safiu, ‘smell’) or ‘hurl a tongue’ (iita ruhac, ‘taste’).
Hakdor verbs do not inflect, so indications of tense, aspect, mood, mode, evidentiality, voice, and other verbal features are indicated exclusively with particles placed before the verb, usually in the form of affixes.
Particle | Type | Meaning | Notes |
la | relative | that, which | A conjunction – goes at the beginning of a phrase. |
na | interrogative | is it, does it, ĉu, か , 嗎 | A conjunction – goes at the beginning of a phrase. |
ia | preterit | did, have done | Precedes negative; otherwise closest to verb root. |
sa | topic | important | Precedes all particles except the conjunctions. |
ca | negative | not | Must be closest to the verb root. |
ra | future | will | Precedes negative; otherwise closest to verb root. |
Clausal conjunctions in Hakdor always go at the beginning of a clause; there are also some phrasal conjunctions which separate the arguments being conjoined. The clausal conjunctions are comprised of logic operators, so in addition to the typical ‘and’, ‘or’, and ‘but’, there are also specialized conjunctions like ‘xnor’, ‘xor’, and ‘nand’. As mentioned in the previous section, the relative and interrogative particles also function as conjunctions.
Conjunction | Type | Meaning | Notes |
la | relative | that, which | (see above) |
na | interrogative | is it, whether | (see above) |
cah | negative | not | Logical inverter: NOT; argument is false. |
ti | conjunctive | and, and then | Logic gate: AND; both arguments are true |
kas | disjunctive | or | Logic gate: OR; one or both arguments are true |
ueq | alternative denial | nand, and not | Logic gate: NAND; both arguments are false |
nor | joint denial | nor, or not | Logic gate: NOR; neither argument is true |
ruh | exclusive | xor | Logic gate: XOR; only one argument is true |
noh | biconditional | xnor, not xor | Logic gate: XNOR; both arguments are true or both are false |
qek | adversative | but, however |
The particles la and na may operate as independent words, or as prefixes where they occur directly before a verb.
Basic Word Order & Alignments
The basic order of Hakdor is strict VSO; that is: Verb, Subject, Object. It is also topic-prominent, so a topic area may be indicated with the particle sa- (in many cases roughly equivalent to Japanese は [wa]).
Strict VSO. Sentences without an object (e.g. “I sit,” uekra cek tis,) must take a dummy object (tis) after the subject. Conversely, subjectless sentences (e.g. “It seems,” sitra tis ric,) use tis as a subject. (In English we use the expletive pronoun it in these types of sentences.) Furthermore, indirect objects always occupy the fourth position in a clause (e.g. “It seems to me,” sitra tis ric cek.)
Noun Phrases
The standard order of most noun phrases is:
- Noun
- Demonstrative
- Adjective (phrase)
- Numeral
- Adposition
- Genitive (phrase)
- Relative (clause)
E.g. ‘…with those three thin men from the village who stole my brother’s dog’ would be translated more literally as ‘man-that thin three-with village-from that stole who the-dog of-the-brother of-me.’
…tuiuc til serai riqanolis laiatokra tuiuc nurak nucutis cekis. | ||||||||
tui-uc | til | ser-ai | riqanol-is | la-ia-tok-ra | tui-uc | nurak | nucut-is | cek-is |
person-dst | thin | 3-com | village-gen | rel-pst-take-vrb | one-dst | dog | brother-gen | 1sg-gen |
men those | thin | three with | village from | that stole | who | dog | brother of | me of |
…with those three thin men from the village who stole my brother’s dog |
Adjective Phrases
Degree adverbs precede the adjective they modify:
- Adjective
- Degree Adverb (very, such, barely, quite, occasionally...)
E.g. ‘That was a very good dog,’ would be literally, ‘Was that-one dog good very.’
Iasitra tuiuc nurak tar pen. | ||||
ia-sit-ra | tui-uc | nurak | tar | pen |
pst-cop-vrb | one-dst | dog | good | aug |
was | that one | dog | good | very |
That was a very good dog. |
Verb Phrases
The standard order of most verb phrases is:
- Conjunction
- Adverb
- Particles (tense, aspect, mood, &c)
- Negative Marker
- Verb
- Subject
- Direct Object
- Indirect Object
- Temporal/Spatial Adverb or Phrase(s)
Relative Clauses
Relative clauses are formed by using the distal correlatives as relative conjunctions. If the correlative is a pronoun, it usually takes the place of the subject or object of the verb. Relative clauses follow the noun they modify. E.g.
Sidra tuiuc nurak laiatokra tuiuc iului ciqisis cekis. | ||||||||
sit-ra | tui-uc | nurak | la- | ia-tok-ra | tui-uc | iului | ciqis-is | cek-is |
cop-vrb | one-dst | dog | rel- | pst-take-vrb | one-dst | fruit | fish-gen | 1sg-gen |
is | that one | dog | who | took | that one | food | of fish | of me |
That is the dog who ate my fish. |
Sitra nuqiu nec la kanuc pasra tis ioruier iuueqis. | ||||||||
sit-ra | nuqiu | nec | la | kan-uc | pas-ra | tis | iorui-er | iuueq-is |
cop-vrb | grass | wet | rel | time-dst | fall-vrb | it | water-particle | sky-gen |
is | grass | wet | that | when | falls | (it) | rain | |
The grass is wet when it rains. |