Lõis (from the Tyrith name for 'Earth') is an alternate-history timeline for Earth.
A-posteriori languages
- IE
- Celtic
- Galatian (essentially Gaulish)
- Goidelic: Old Irish (written in Fraktur, using a German-like spelling: as•bönd, nih•opënd 'he refuses')
- Italic
- Latin
- Living Latin
- Proto-Romance - Romance continuum
- Quasi-Norman French
- French minus GVS
- etc.
- Latin
- Hellenic
- Azalic
- Quibbertoot
- Qivattutannguaq
- Qunngartutannguaq
- Prisinitutannguaq
- British Qivattu (Quasi-Estonian)
- Indo-Iranian
- Avestan
- Middle Persian
- L-Modern Persian
- Middle Persian
- Avestan
- Celtic
- Semitic
- Northwest Semitic
- North Semitic
- Old Togarmite
- Canaanite
- Verse:Lõis/Hebrew: Biblical Hebrew
- Mishnaic Hebrew
- Ancient Cubrite
- Verse:Lõis/Hebrew: Biblical Hebrew
- Aramaic
- Modern Aramaic languages
- North Semitic
- Indian Semitic
- Conservative Semlang with dual and lots of cases
- East Semitic
- Akkadian
- Far East Semitic
- Northwest Semitic
- Sino-Tibetan
- Mon-Khmer
- Hmong-Mien
Invented language families
- Camalic
- An Bhlaoighne
- Modern An Bhlaoighne
- Padmanābha
- L-Arabic
- An Bhlaoighne
- Corded Ware (Lõis)
- Baden languages
- Harappan
- Tbaic (agglutinative Southeast Asian family)
- Romanian gib
- Philippine
- Kirkkaselhümb (an isolate)
- something spoken in Oceania
- Pandoga
- Kodistian
- Siészal
- Xeno-Mandarin
- Tiruttazhai
Sacred/liturgical languages
- Greek
- Middle Persian
- Avestan
- Old Tyrith
- Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew
- Druidic Canaanite
- Aramaic
- Old Togarmite
- Classical Nahuatl