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== Guimin ==
== Guimin ==

''Къӏэнырг Дәрруътиъ''
'''Къӏэнырг Дәрруътиъ'''

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Latest revision as of 19:26, 25 August 2024


Spanish English

Habrá un día en que todos
al levantar la vista,
veremos una tierra,
que ponga libertad.

Hermano aquí mi mano,
será tuya mi frente,
y tu gesto de siempre
caerá sin levantar
huracanes de miedo
ante la libertad

Haremos el camino
en un mismo trazado,
uniendo nuestros hombros
para así levantar
a aquellos que cayeron
gritando libertad

Habrá un día en que todos
al levantar la vista,
veremos una tierra,
que ponga libertad.

Sonarán las campanas
desde los campanarios
y los campos desiertos
volverán a granar
unas espigas altas
dispuestas para el pan.

Para un pan que en los siglos
nunca fue repartido
entre todos aquellos
que hicieron lo posible
por empujar la historia
hacia la libertad

Habrá un día en que todos
al levantar la vista,
veremos una tierra,
que ponga libertad.

También será posible
que esa hermosa mañana
ni tú, ni yo, ni el otro
la lleguemos a ver;
pero habrá que forzarla
para que pueda ser.

Que sea como un viento
que arranque los matojos
surgiendo la verdad,
y limpie los caminos
de siglos de destrozos
contra la libertad.

Habrá un día en que todos
al levantar la vista,
veremos una tierra,
que ponga libertad.

There will come a day when all of us,
as we lift our eyes to see,
will gaze upon a land,
freedom being its name.

Brother, take my hand in yours,
my brow will be yours too,
and your familiar gesture
will fall without a sound,
no hurricanes of fear
will rise before freedom.

We’ll walk along the path as one,
our steps in perfect stride,
joining shoulder to shoulder
in order to lift up
those who fell
with freedom on their lips.

There will come a day when all of us,
as we lift our eyes to see,
will gaze upon a land
freedom being its name.

Many bells shall ring
in towers from up high,
and the barren fields
will bear grain anew,
with tall stalks of wheat,
to be turned into bread.

Bread that was never shared,
through centuries gone by,
among those who did
what was on their hand
to change history
in freedom's name.

There will come a day when all of us,
as we lift our eyes to see,
will gaze upon a land
freedom being its name.

It may also happen,
that on that lovely morning,
neither you nor I nor any of us
will be there to witness
but we shall bring it forth
to make that day arrive.

Let it be like a sweeping wind
that pulls the thorny brush,
and brings the truth to light,
clearing all the paths
of centuries of scars
against the freedom’s fight.

There will come a day when all of us,
as we lift our eyes to see,
will gaze upon a land
freedom being its name.

External links



Къӏэнырг Дәрруътиъ

Guimin English

О̄м гӯътӏиъ сә вӣ виъсм,
оккӏыс митиъ дэиъминтӏ,
гьӣкьӏигъ дыкӏәнтӏиъгьэды
дәрруъсы ниминсы.

Кисәр митиъ әмтӏуъ тӏо,
бырӯъвсы мәс тӏвитиъ сәм,
гьу сәм жэст джынә̄тӏ тӏвитиъ
ниво̄ккӏ синтӏитӏиъухъуъпӏтӏэ,
ни тӏанә̄с тӏыримә̄тиъ
бӣънтӏиъгьэ дәрринәд.

Ым тӏокӏигъ синтӏитӏиъ йыъктӏ,
гьу пӏидәми митиъ нибагеәсы,
умс умсими ттитӏиъ йыъктӏ
пӏәччӏ вит ыъндэиминтӏды
тӏэ̄ синтӏытӏухъуъпӏтӏэды
ләбэ̄с дәрротиъ бәйнтӏ.

О̄м гӯътӏиъ сә вӣ виъсм,
оккӏыс митиъ дэиъминтӏ,
гьӣкьӏигъ дыкӏәнтӏиъгьэды
дәрруъсы ниминсы.

Зәнгэ̄с биврэ̄с зыз ттитӏиъ
бурджисинэ высыънәд,
гьу сә ареис пӏә̄влэ̄с
тӏәвкӏә̄с тирәнтӏиъ ное̄,
кӏаләми е биркәми
нәгн опӏтӏә вәркӏтӏә.

Нәгн до̄тӏәды ытэ̄л
тӏәмс асыърисигъ
къәръәмымәс сә тӣнинтӏ
виъсм сә тӣнинтӏыъды
вит та̄рӣх акӏәнцӏ тӏиркӏтӏды
эссәтӣе дәррос.

О̄м гӯътӏиъ сә вӣ виъсм,
оккӏыс митиъ дэиъминтӏ,
гьӣкьӏигъ дыкӏәнтӏиъгьэды
дәрруъсы ниминсы.

Сә ӏуйрэ ллэтӏиъкьи сәм,
ӏуйрэ цӏиръэ сӯълеэ,
ни тӏӯъ би ми би ым угь
сәэ тӏэ̄нтӏиъ диркӏәнтӏиъ
мин ю̄ътӏ ым вит синтӏәнтӏиъ
вит о̄м дэсытӏитӏиъ.

Э̄нминсы тытӏкьи мигъе
дәнс тӏирниле инэттӏәлтӏ,
гьу уът гьашер тӏәш кӏукӏтӏә
гьу тӏокӏәм виъсәм тэ̄нтӏ тӏуъччӏ
асыърисәд ӣрә̄мәд
ма̄к дошмәннә̄м дәррос.

О̄м гӯътӏиъ сә вӣ виъсм,
оккӏыс митиъ дэиъминтӏ,
гьӣкьӏигъ дыкӏәнтӏиъгьэды
дәрруъсы ниминсы.

There will be a day when we all,
bringing our eyes,
will gaze across a land,
freedom being the name.

Take my hand in yours,
my brow is yours too,
and also your familiar gesture
will fall without a sound,
no hurricanes of terror
will strike from within freedom.

We'll go along the path united,
and with our steps being perfect,
shoulder will join with shoulder
thus lifting
those who fell
with lips speaking of freedom.

There will be a day when we all,
bringing our eyes,
will gaze across a land,
freedom being the name.

Many bells will ring
in towers over from high,
and these barren fields
will bear sprouts anew,
with taller stalks of wheat,
for bread to be made again.

Bread that was never given,
through these centuries,
to the heroes who did
all that they could
to change history
for freedom's sake.

There will be a day when we all,
bringing our eyes,
will gaze across a land,
freedom being the name.

It may also happen on that morning,
the lovely, sunny morning,
neither you nor I nor any of us
will be there to witness
but we will bring it forth
to make that day arrive.

Let it be like a great wind
pulling the thorny brush,
and making its truth seen,
and clearing all the paths
of centuries of scars
of the enemies of freedom’s fight.

There will be a day when we all,
bringing our eyes,
will gaze across a land,
freedom being the name.