Literature:Hansu Hansuen
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Harāktian | English |
Kūi esi tuh, ia praksi ūtaran-met, endūhse? |
Who are you to question my words, human? |
Łihiuanāh Łihiuan | Retranslation | |
Uīgīz, zī yoni īlōz, mī yōbinātł īcotzunīciz. |
Who are you to test yourself against my words, mortal? |
Who are you to test yourself against my words, mortal?
Do you not know me?
Only a blind man would fail to see that.
You called me a king.
But I am not just a king.
For I am greater than they.
You cannot live if I do not permit you to.
You don't exist.
Дихтатэрин ды дихтатэрин'с | IPA transcription | Gloss |
¿Ўла'у ћак хи хж'ә атӕщӀә'эн шіӑэлң ыӵусты, фрау'ьэ? | /wlaʡu cʰakʰ xɪ xʒʡæ atʰəʃt͡ʃæʡɛn ʃʲiʕɛl̃ ɨc͡çustʰɨ frauʡʲɛ/ | q-r as you › you⟨n⟩-gen speak-ab-npos ask be~ntr, human-voc |
¿ЎлыщӀ хи хж њэд-хңдцдіһәџ? | /wlɨʃt͡ʃ xɪ xʒ ɲɛt̬ x̃t̬t͡n̥t̬ʲiħæd͡ʒ/ | q-yn you › you⟨n⟩ no=fact-know |
¿ЎлыщӀ хи хж'ә факӥа'эн њэд-нфцдіһәџ? | /wlɨʃt͡ʃ xɪ xʒʡæ fakʰiaʡɛn ɲɛt̬ nft͡n̥t̬ʲiħæd͡ʒ/ | q-yn you › you⟨n⟩-gen face-npos no=pst.infr-know |
.Вӥ әтуцн'ц и цдӧщцн'с хж'ә факӥа'эн'ӧң щӀьэтӕдԇңӹӑ; | /vi ætʰut͡n̥nʡt͡n̥ ɪ t͡n̥t̬ɤçt͡n̥nʡs xʒʡæ fakʰiaʡɛnʡɤ̃ ʃt͡ʃʲɛtʰət̬s̃ˤʉʕ/ | on rock-dat-col and wall-dat-pl you⟨n⟩-gen face-npos-abs record.ntr-pst |
Хи њэд-всиҝхљњ щэнсыӵусты ҝелф их эхі њэд-всиҝ. | /xɪ ɲɛt̬ vsɪq͡χxʎɲ çɛnsɨc͡çustʰɨ q͡χʲelf ɪx ɛxʲi ɲɛt̬ vsɪq͡χ/ | you › no=observe-nfin infr.ver-be cnsq.sjv you › no=observe |
.Хж'ӧң ћак інэ дихтатэрин хи'м атӕ, | /xʒʡɤ̃ cʰakʰ iːnɛ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪn xɪʡɱ atʰə/ | you⟨n⟩-abs as one arrange-ag ‹ you-erg speak.ntr, |
.Я хж њэд-җӀюўлкӕы інэ дихтатэрин ӥӵостхрн. | /ɒ xʒ ɲɛt̬ ʒd͡ʒʲɯwlkʰəɨ iːnɛ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪn ic͡çʌstʰxrn/ | but you⟨n⟩ no=only-adj one arrange-ag be\hab-hab |
.Длэ хицн хж хж'ә імытк'эн һф'прөатӕ. | /t̬lɛ xɪt͡n̥n xʒ xʒʡæ iːɱɨtʰkʰʡɛn ħfʡpʰrɞatʰə/ | to you-dat you⟨n⟩-gen title-npos fut-prec-speak.ntr |
.Хж нһам дихтатэрин ды дихтатэрин'с ӥӵостхрн, џӭ'въэһр ды сфэх. | /xʒ nħaɱ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪn t̬ɨ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪnʡs ic͡çʌstʰxrn d͡ʒɘʡvwɛħr t̬ɨ sfɛx/ | you⟨n⟩ def.aug arrange-ag ‹.gen arrange-ag-pl be\hab-hab, sub.1sg-power ‹.gen all |
.Чэрэз нһам лпоедцн и әтуфрэљһацн'c и нһам індимцн хж'ә лєхан'эн ыӵусты, оћ нџорцэ длэ йугоњэ чэрэз оћ іхтяцэ длэ ўьаԇњэ: трәнкражңа'сӕы хж'ә стан'эн. | /t͡ʃɛrɛz nħaɱ lpʰʌjet̬t͡n̥n ɪ frɛʎħat͡n̥nʡs ɪ nħaɱ iːnt̬ɪɱt͡n̥n xʒʡæ lʲoxanʡɛn ɨc͡çustʰɨ ʌcʰ nd͡ʒʌrt͡n̥ɛ t̬lɛ juk̬ʌɲɛ t͡ʃɛrɛz ʌcʰ iːxtʲʰɒt͡n̥ɛ t̬lɛ wʲasˤɲɛ tʰrænkʰraʒ̃aʡsəɨ xʒʡæ stʰanʡɛn/ | throuğ def.aug body.of.liquid-dat and rock-structure-noun-dat-pl and straiğt.line-dat you⟨n⟩-gen dominion-npos be~ntr, from north-ућу.direction.dat to south-ава.direction.dat throuğ from east-ућу.direction.dat to west-ава.direction.dat trans-frontier-pl-adj you⟨n⟩-gen land-npos |
.Жх нһам һіл и шаџн'ц и фхӕр'ц и һыдџһок'ц дихтат. | /ʒx nħaɱ ħʲiːl ɪ ʃad͡ʒnʡt͡n̥ ɪ fxərʡt͡n̥ ɪ ħɨd͡ʒħʌkʰʡt͡n̥ t̬ɪxtʰatʰ/ | you⟨n⟩ › def.aug star and gas-state.of.matter-col and chemical.reaction-col and hydrogen-chemical.du-oxygen-col arrange |
.Рподӭђң хж тӀьиңщӀә єұйгхяџл и вперэх хж'ә ҝоөњечӕы хрєнцн'эн њощӀ тсъу һіл'с њэд-прөыӵусты. | /rpʰʌt̬ɘɟⁿ xʒ tʲʼɪ̃ʃt͡ʃæ oyjk̬xʲɒd͡ʒl ɪ vpʲʰerɛx xʒʡæ q͡χʌɞɲet͡ʃəɨ xrʲont͡n̥nʡɛn ɲʌʃt͡ʃ t͡sʷu ħʲiːlʡs ɲɛt̬ pʰrɞɨc͡çustʰɨ/ | because.of.want-rat you⟨n⟩ › day-ab jus.come and before-relative.time.prep you⟨n⟩-gen terminal-adj time-dat-npos › niğt com star-pl no=prec-be~ntr |
.Њэд-корд фрау'с хж осюндӕы һыдџһок єљд жящһа њэд-рвётсетхрн. | /ɲɛt̬ kʰʌrt̬ frauʡs xʒ ʌsʲɯnt̬əɨ ħɨd͡ʒħʌkʰ oːʎt̬ ʒʲɒçħaʡs ɲɛt̬ rvʲøt͡sʲetʰxrn/ | human-pl you⟨n⟩ › same-adj hydrogen-chemical.du-oxygen inclusive.or fuel-noun no=absorb\hab-hab |
.Сфэх мӥра хж'ә Боғ'эн ыӵуст: хж эхі раџдԇңӹӑ и чэрішурдԇңӹӑ. | /sfɛx mira xʒʡæ p̬ʌɣʡɛn ɨc͡çustʰ xʒ ɛxʲi rad͡ʒt̬s̃ˤʉʕ ɪ t͡ʃɛrʲiʃurt̬s̃ˤʉʕ/ | all human.expanse › you⟨n⟩-gen garden\loanword-npos be you⟨n⟩ › make-pst and ensure-pst |
.Неебетар'ьљ хж йгюрһ и дља хжцн гбэжє'с ӕәҗӀата. | /nʲejep̬ʲetʰarʡʲʎ xʒ jk̬ʲɯrħ ɪ t̬ʎa xʒt͡n̥n k̬p̬ɛʒʲoʡs əæʒd͡ʒatʰa/ | Nêêbêtar\loanword-loc › you⟨n⟩ despise and on.behalf.of you⟨n⟩-dat god-pl surrender~ntr |
.Еінст гбэжє'с хж тав ыӵусты. | /ejiːnstʰ k̬p̬ɛʒʲoʡs xʒ tʰav ɨc͡çustʰɨ/ | god-pl you⟨n⟩ better be~ntr |
¿Ўла'у и ўлэцћ ћак хи еінст хж ыӵусты, фрау'ьэ? | /wlaʡu ɪ wlɛt͡n̥cʰ cʰakʰ xɪ ejiːnstʰ xʒ ɨc͡çustʰɨ frauʡʲɛ/ | q-r and q-wh as you you⟨n⟩ be~ntr, human-voc |
.Радєұ эрпцн хи птрђ'с һф'ыӵуст, я радєұ эрпцн хж'ә Боғ'эн һф'прӕњсємє гбә љідліла ды хрєнщӀә. | /rat̬oy ɛrpʰt͡n̥n xɪ pʰtʰrc̬ʡs ħfʡɨc͡çustʰ ɒ rat̬oy ɛrpʰt͡n̥n xʒʡæ p̬ʌɣʡɛn ħfʡpʰrəɲsʲoɱʲo k̬p̬æ ʎit̬lʲiːla dɨ xrʲonʃt͡ʃæ/ | chronological.infinity-dat you dot-pl fut-be, but chronological.infinity-dat you⟨n⟩-gen garden\loanword-npos fut-sustain~ntr against chaos ‹.gen time.ab |
.Хи фхӕрәту'иў Селұлєзьиў інэ фрэљһа'эн сьлп'һрњэл, я хж әту'иў гҍілсгсъарбһокниў ӑӭўжиў інэ фрэљһа'эн сьлп'һрњэл. | /xɪ fxərætʰuʡɪw sʲelylʲozʲɪw iːnɛ frɛʎħaʡɛn sʲlpʰʡħrɲɛl ɒ xʒ ætʰuʡɪw k̬ˤʲiːlsk̬sʷarp̬ħʌkʰnɪw ʕɘwʒɪw iːnɛ frɛʎħaʡɛn sʲlpʰʡħrɲɛl/ | you › chemical.reaction-rock-composed.of wood\loanword-composed.of one structure-noun-npos hyp-have, but you⟨n⟩ rock-composed.of calcium-carbon-oxygen-chemical.tri-composed.of gold-composed.of one structure-npos hyp-have |
.Ҝелф-хжрподӭђң хи њэд-ыӵусты. | /q͡χʲelf xʒrpʰʌt̬ɘɟⁿ xɪ ɲɛt̬ ɨc͡çustʰɨ/ | cond=you⟨n⟩-because.of.want-rat you no=be~ntr |
¿ЎлыщӀ хж их'ә щӀәщӀә'эжиц'эн ӭ'яҗӀӥӵостхрн? | /wlɨʃt͡ʃ xʒ ɪxʡæ ʃt͡ʃæʃt͡ʃæʡɛʒɪt͡n̥ʡɛn ɘʡʲɒʒd͡ʒic͡çʌstʰxrn/ | q-yn you⟨n⟩ you\nhd-gen vol-be\hab-hab |
.Хи хж'ә җӀюўлкӕы інэ робӭт'эн ӥӵостхрн. | /xɪ xʒʡæ ʒd͡ʒʲɯwlkʰəɨ iːnɛ rʌp̬ɘtʰʡɛn ic͡çʌstʰxrn/ | you you⟨n⟩-gen only-adj one worker-npos be\hab-hab |
.Чэрэз дихтатэринцн'с хж фєнөйцт ыӵусты, хж нһам дихтатэрин ды дихтатэрин'с ыӵуст. | /t͡ʃɛrɛz t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪnt͡n̥nʡs xʒ fʲonɞjt͡n̥tʰ ɨc͡çustʰɨ xʒ nħaɱ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪn t̬ɨ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪnʡs ɨc͡çustʰ/ | throuğ arrange-ag-dat-pl you⟨n⟩ ⟨ordinal⟩one\ordinal be~ntr, you⟨n⟩ def.aug arrange-ag ‹.gen arrange-ag-pl be |
.Хж сфэх эхі п'һрњөлхрн. | /xʒ sfɛx ɛxʲi pʡħrɲɞlxrn/ | you⟨n⟩ › all have\hab-hab |
.Оћ трлөкӕы птрђцн ды кӀөџн длэ трбуљщавӕы әтуфрэљһацн, оћ трлөкӕы птрђцн ды цсњэв длэ трбуљщавӕы лпоедцн, оћ інэ мусцн вӥ інэ станцн длэ інэ акӥпӥтрӥдәцн дре цещһацн, | /ʌcʰ tʰrlɞkʰəɨ pʰtʰrc̬t͡n̥n t̬ɨ kʼɞd͡ʒn t̬lɛ tʰrp̬uʎçavəɨ ætʰufrɛʎħat͡n̥n ʌcʰ tʰrlɞkʰəɨ pʰtʰrc̬t͡n̥n t̬ɨ t͡n̥sɲɛv t̬lɛ tʰrp̬uʎçavəɨ lpʰʌjet̬t͡n̥n ʌcʰ iːnɛ must͡n̥n vi iːnɛ stʰant͡n̥n t̬lɛ iːnɛ akʰipʰitʰrit̬æt͡n̥n t̬rʲe t͡n̥ʲeçħat͡n̥n/ | from comp-small\comp-adj dot-dat ‹.gen solid-state.of.matter to comp-big\comp-adj rock-structure-noun-dat, from comp-small\comp-adj dot-dat ‹.gen precipitation to comp-big\comp-adj body.of.liquid-dat, from one mouse-dat on one land-dat to one accipitrid-dat in sky-noun-dat, |
Дхтупрӭђң хж сфэђ фамӥлӥарӥс и кабаљус и ҝљицсера и йицбһӧњэт и чңєт п'һрњөлхрн. | /t̬xtʰupʰrɘɟⁿ xʒ sfɛc̬ familiaris ɪ kʰap̬aʎus ɪ q͡χʎɪt͡n̥sʲera ɪ jɪt͡n̥p̬ħɤɲɛtʰ ɪt͡ʃ̃ⁿʲotʰ pʡħrɲɞlxrn/ | because.of.assiğnment-rat you⟨n⟩ › every dog and and soldier and ins-weapon and unpopular.idea have\hab-hab |
¿Ўла'у хи ыӵусты? .Хи корд хэрощӀә ыӵуст. | /wlaʡu xɪ ɨc͡çustʰɨ/ /xɪ kʰʌrt̬ xɛrʌʃt͡ʃæ ɨc͡çustʰ/ | q-r you be~ntr you zero-ab be |
.И эхі хж'ә Боғ'эн ыӵуст и хж дихтатэрин ды эхі, џӭ'дихтатэрин ды дихтатэрин'с. | /ɪ ɛxʲi xʒʡæ p̬ʌɣʡɛn ɨc͡çustʰ ɪ xʒ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪn t̬ɨ ɛxʲi d͡ʒɘt̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪn t̬ɨ t̬ɪxtʰatʰɛrɪnʡs/ | and you⟨n⟩-gen garden\loanword-npos be and you⟨n⟩ arrange-ag ‹.gen, sub.1sg-arrange-ag ‹.gen arrange-ag-pl |
Yauñ' Yañ'ou | Gloss | The King of Kings | |||
Xen cozen xad āhcorcuápfoc' xañ'íl', cuoj co? | Xen Q cozen COP.2>2 xad pfrm āh-cor-cuápfoc' REL-2>1-question xañ'íl', word.PL cuoj VOC co? human |
Who are you to question my words, human? | |||
Xen corc'ua xen'? | Xen Q cor-c'ua 2>1-know xen'? none |
Do you not know me? | |||
Xen corc'oc' āl xen'? | Xen Q cor-c'oc' 2>1-recognize āl face xen'? none |
Do you not recognize my face? | |||
Sectoc'iý āl xeu je secxañ'iý taitu réúia eý. | Sec-toc'-(i)ý 1>1-carve-PASS āl face xeu stone je to sec-xañ'-(i)ý 1>1-write-PASS taitu name réúia wall eý. on |
My face is carved into stone and my name is written on walls. | |||
Uc' cozxeý cozxenūc' xen āhuc' jál. | Uc' cozxeý cozxenūc' xen āhuc' jál. | You would have to be blind not to see that. | |||
Corxauc' ez' yauñ'. | Cor-xauc' 2>1-call ez' INDEF.CL1 yauñ'. king |
You called me a king. | |||
Í xen syíún' {jál jál} ez' yauñ'. | Í but xen NEG syíún' COP.1>CL1 jál jál just ez' INDEF.CL1 yauñ'. king |
But I am not just a king. | |||
Corb'ei corxauc āhsyen xad. | Cor-b'ei 2>1-let cor-xauc 2>1-tell āh-syen REL-COP.1>1 xad. pfrm |
Let me tell you who I am. | |||
Syíún' Yauñ' Yañ'ou, céux céux jutxux je. | Syíún' COP.1>CL1 Yauñ' king Yañ'ou, king.PL céux mighty céux REDUP jutxux all je. to |
I am the King of Kings, the mightiest of all. | |||
Secr'u jernexuñ xec'en xenuz éād' je heit eýube je, nivih xenuz ūsar'u je tum'uj xenuz jen'um je - un' jutxux muj en, mil' xen'e. | Sec-r'u 1>1-go jernexuñ province xec'en sea xenuz from éād' mountain.PL je to heit back eýube horizon je, to nivih north xenuz from ūsar'u south je to tum'uj east xenuz from jen'um west je to - - un' COP.CL5>CL5 jutxux all muj land en, 1.POSS mil' border.PL xen'e. without |
My kingdom goes from the sea to the mountains and beyond the horizon, from the north to the south and from the east to the west – it is all my land, without borders. | |||
Syíún' he tumyan, r'úx, xemux jenxad āhyan' je. | Syíún' COP.1>CL1 he 1.INAL tumyan, sun r'úx, wind xemux fire jenxad water āh-yan' REL-command je. for |
The sun, the wind, fire and water are mine to command. | |||
Aír'úz tumyan xil eý āhseicxauc' xen aícaru caru tum'ay jena nu ne curyan ne cuj tum'ay xen coi secjí. | Aí-r'úz CL1>CL1-come tumyan day xil eý when āh-seic-xauc' REL-1>CL1-call xen NEG aí-caru CL1>CL1-try caru REDUP tum'ay night jena star nu CL1.POSS ne with curyan moon ne with cuj sky tum'ay night xen NEG coi TERM sec-jí. 1>1-do |
The day comes when I call it and the night with its stars and the moon on the night sky dare not show up until I'm done. | |||
Xen cuxec'en jenxad jem'uj cual láduóc, váv setnú beil' jem'uj. | Xen NEG cu-xec'en 1>CL5-drink jenxad water jem'uj same cual as láduóc, mortal váv or setn-ú 1>CL3-eat beil' bread.PL jem'uj. same |
I do not drink the same water as the mortals, nor do I eat the same bread as them. | |||
Íúsyen muc'uj eñjar - En seicatx seicyan'. | Íúsyen COP.CL1>1 muc'uj world muc'uj REDUP eñjar garden - - En PFV seic-atx 1>CL1-create seic-yan'. 1>CL-rule |
The whole world is my garden - I have created it and I rule it. | |||
Íúsiacïac ñēyan, íúseylac āhcuziý. | Íús-iacïac CL1>1-envy ñēyan, ñēyan íús-eylac CL1>1-stand āh-cuz-(i)ý. REL-raise-PASS |
The heavens envy me, and the gods stand before me humble. | |||
Syen cuder yañ'an je. | Syen COP.1>1 cuder much yañ'an god.PL je. to |
I am greater than the gods. | |||
Xen cozen xad, syen je, cuoj co? | Xen Q cozen COP.2>2 xad, prfm syen COP.1>1 je, to cuoj VOC co? human |
Who and what are you, compared to me, human? | |||
Cun' xemad cueylac xemad xil eý āhcozsuxad, xil eý āhseceylac hez'i ñij eñjar secieite jer'iyl al'a je. | Cun' COP.2>CL5 xemad dust cu-eylac 2>CL5-remain xemad dust xil eý when āh-coz-suxad, REL-2>2-die xil eý while āh-sec-eylac REL-1>1-stand hez'i advz ñij garden eñjar eternity sec-ieite 1>1-win jer'iyl tide al'a long time je. against |
You are dust and you will remain dust when you die, while my garden will stand for an eternity and win against the tide of time. | |||
Cun' xad nej ñe pfuyem laiuas, syíún' xad en xeuayan xeu, cais tabexua. | Cun' COP.2>CL5 xad pfrm nej 2.POSS ñe house pfuyem brick laiuas, mud syíún' COP.1>CL1 xad pfrm en 1.POSS xeuayan xeuayan xeu, stone cais marble tabexua. gold |
Yours is a house of bricks and wood, mine is a palace of stone, marble and gold. | |||
Xen cun' he yanux āhcozil ih xen āhsocxec. | Xen NEG cun' COP.2>CL5 hej 2.INAL yanux right āh-coz-il REL-2>2-exist ih if xen NEG āh-soc-xec. REL-1>2-give |
You do not have the right to exist if I do not give it to you. | |||
Xen socet'eu socyazual ez'e il? | Xen Q soc-et'eu 1>2-owe soc-yazual 1>2-tolerate ez'e NZ il? exist |
Am I supposed to tolerate your existence? | |||
Coren jál jál riu. | Coren COP.2>1 jál jál only riu. servant |
You are but a servant of mine. | |||
Syen ez'e jál yañ'ou ne, syíún' Yauñ' Yañ'ou. | Syen COP.1>1 ez'e NZ jál one yañ'ou king.PL ne, among syíún' COP.1>CL1 Yauñ' king Yañ'ou. king.PL |
I am the first among kings, I am the King of Kings. | |||
Usmuzm'eý jál eý jutxux. | {{interlinear | Us-muzm'eý {jál eý} jutxux. | CL5>1-{belong to} all here | display-messages=no|italics2=no|italics3=no}} | Everything here belongs to me. |
Tec xemad ax ax xenuz éād cuz cuz je, tec cuzad ax ax xenuz xec'en aidi aidi je, ib mim'uj eý īci cuz cuj eý. | Tec grain xemad dust ax small ax REDUP xenuz from éād mountain cuz tall cuz REDUP je, to tec drop cuzad rain ax small ax REDUP xenuz from xec'en ocean aidi large aidi REDUP je, to ib mouse mim'uj field eý in īci eagle cuz high cuj sky eý. in |
From the smallest grain of dust to the tallest mountain, from the smallest drop of rain to the largest ocean, from a mouse in a field to an eagle high in the sky. | |||
An'muzm'eý an'xuineme ai neiux, tabde, masen cüéu jutxux. | {{interlinear | An'-muzm'eý an'-xuineme ai neiux, tabde, masen cüéu jutxux. | CL4>1-{belong to} CL4>1-rightful dog horse soldier weapon treasure all | display-messages=no|italics2=no|italics3=no}} | Every dog and horse, soldier and weapon and treasure belong to me by right. |
Xen cozen xad? Cozen xen'. | Xen Q cozen COP.2>2 xad? pfrm Cozen COP.2>2 xen'. nothing |
Who are you? You are nothing. | |||
Sén eñjar setnayn yauñ', Yauñ' Yañ'ou. | Sén COP.CL5>1 eñjar garden setnayn COP.1>CL3 yauñ', king, Yauñ' king Yañ'ou. king.PL |
And this is my garden and I am its king, the King of Kings. |