Literature:The North Wind and the Sun

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The North Wind and the Sun


The North Wind and the Sun

The North Wind and the Sun disputed as to which was the most powerful and agreed that he should be declared the victor who could first strip a way-faring man of his clothes. The North Wind first tried his power and blew with all his might, but the keener his blasts, the closer the Traveller wrapped his cloak around him, until at last, resigning all hope of victory, the Wind called upon the Sun to see what he could do. The Sun suddenly shone out with all his warmth. The Traveller no sooner felt his genial rays than he took off one garment after another and at last, fairly overcome with heat, undressed and bathed in a stream that lay in his path.

Persuasion is better than force.


  • Takkenkikle:

Kiwerkawi Kajna ku tupewkatkamit je-wujmumeja, kuti pekleja tulmu kerkawna taŋkenute tamejneki. Pewkakmitejte, jeti ikta para tatekkatejle peklejam tekijunkele kerkawtem lukirken, kenittekepa wujmumekija. Tekute Kiwerkawi putinkaleleti je-wankat, le minkemu putinkati minkemu pekleja kerkawtem peltutteka ŋalku ekaljate; jellu ku Kiwerkawi kewtanutem ikarjaketteka. Tekute Kajna tulmakentuttele, pekleja ku iknekku kerkawtem lukirkakti. Kuje Kiwerkawi tejkat pekanitteken Kajnam je-wujmumekija.


File:Sé Sůflatsjon Norð és sé Sol.ogg

Sé Sůflatsjon Norð és sé Sol sen-kómpfa-link onas kí sen-ǰis sé plosa fortsa, kwen al ňosvwažatsí-ský sen-parvjensta sen-rapta orok šoda. Sen-vjenstakalí ẁakoàtsjon drast sé oní premjeska kí sen-sůxé omůsťenatsjon ňosvwažatsí-ský-ins el ofprensta íl-ins rok devrinska ǰis sen-konsídéra plosa forsta drast sé otré. Den sé Sůflatsjon Norð sen-sůfla koma důra-las kom'íl sen-kanel, mas sé plosa drast íl sen-sůfla sé plosa drast sé ňosvwažatsí-ský sen-plíà sé rok rønd íl; és otempesťa sé Sůflatsjon Norð sen-otadonek. Den sé Sol sen-glínatsí šoda-las, és momentsí-las sé ňosvwažatsí-ský sen-ofprensta íl-ins rok. Ðuzo sé Sůflatsjon Norð sen-ǰis sen-můsťen el konfetsek drast sé Sol sen-ǰis sé plosa fortsa dwo-ins.


Nordvinden ok Solen på SamSka

Nordvinden ok Solen bestred om hvem var sterkere, då kåm en reisende förbi som klädde sig i en varm kappe. De stemmde at den som först kunne vålde reisenden at tage af sin kappe skulle anses sterkere enn den andre. Då blåsede Nordvinden så hardt som han kunne, men jo mer han blåsede, desto tettere reisenden hyljede kappen omkring sig; ok til sidst uppgav Nordvinden forsöket. Då skinede Solen varmt, ok straks tog reisenden af kappen. Så måtte Nordvinden erkenne at var Solen den sterkere af dem.


Ichrît a Nuyf y chi Norot au d'Aoz yn aomi dhet a mi gâvor, au ilôat a mîar y lhi ngaofar ûn. Ziget mine y mo net y mi gâvor, isôadh yn uyda mo na vîar yn igôath a chaofar.

The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the strongest, and then a man wearing a warm cloak came. They said that the one who could make the man take off his cloak was the strongest.

Hurayca (Al Bakiyye)

Lâ Kuzey Yel mi Kün

Lâ Kuzey Yel mi Kün wurden şuğulerti kio kon ist enbatup or wurde ollar muunerterti lâ Ğazlam ber Yutman kio ken ol zeşglava ey özi Geyuat Çuklam olwan yolman. El Kuzey Yel wurde sınaerti bertal or gümerti ol tümbatulen. Jedox Nû kal olın Gümuat ist Kescan kalol eyol. Dem Bay Cayran tüm lâ Umuat-iatkol wurde el Yel seserti zu el Kün. El Kün wurde alunerti Lârp mit tüm lâ İssi Řiyol. Ya Yolman wurde hesserti ya issi Mutanurungat Gavuanrakfi aks ol wurde çıpawerti or ist lâ Cıbıl in ber ya Sukend or aks wurde ol yunawerti.

Glavung ist eyrak el Batufin.


El nordvinto e la suna astridaban ci era el starcior, cando uno resetore encamo uleto en uno mantelo varmo.

ǂA Ṇṵĩ

Ʇaula Nǃo̰õ Uǃqʼa maã ǂṵʼu aje ǂu eɬǁa iñi ɴʇum ṉui ʼḛe sʇaʇau ǁṵuṇa. Ṭurra, loõṇi ʇxoi oɴʇʼa oǃʼo qʼañi. Maã aje ǂu ɴǃʼoirre ṉui ʼḛe ǂa ʼa qʼañi ku ɴǁo̰i upa ʇxoi ṭḛe, uɴʇu sʇaʇau tɬḭi šǃu ṉui. Nǃo̰õ Uǃqʼa maã ǂa̰uʼa ṭre ra ṯṵu ɴʘaã, ṇam cha uji ṯṵu maã, qʼañi ku ʼa ṭḛe oɴʇʼa ǃqʼaṯi ɴǃṵu. ʼai Uǃqʼa maã eña ṣǂqʼo. ʼai ʼai, loõṇi ra chḭichi ǂṵʼu aje, ʼai ǂu ku uǃqʼo ʇxoi ṭḛe. Nǃo̰õ Uǃqʼa maã ɬǁa sʇaʇau ǂṵʼu aje.


Ang manga ranyon adauyi Pintemis nay Perin, engyo mico sinyāng luga toya, lingya si lugaya asāyāng si sitang-naykonyāng kong tovaya mato. Sakantong, engongyo mico danyās palung menanang sirī ang pahongya asāya tovaley yana. Ang gihayo Pintemis minganeri-hen yona. Nay gihayong mico nay mico-eng, nay ang da-naykonya rado nay rado-eng asāya tovaley yana. Subryo deramyam ang Pintemis. Cunyo makayam mato epang ang Perin, nay ang pahya edauyikan asāya tovaley yana. Kada rua bengyo ang Pintemis, ang engyo mico cuyam Perin luga toya sam.


R'úx Nivih Tumyan

Aíxahian R'úx Nivih Tumyan The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak.

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They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other. Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his cloak around him; and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shined out warmly, and immediately the traveler took off his cloak. And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.