About me

Hi, I’m lili21 and I’m a Lombard conlanger in the twenties; my best-developed conlangs on this site are Chlouvānem and Atlantic.

I’ve been making up languages ever since I was nine, at first only relexes of Italian sounding like an incoherent mixture of natlangs. When I was 17, I fell in love with Linguistics while randomly reading about Ancient Greek, and together with other interests of mine, mainly Geography (real and fictional), I started creating my conworld, Calémere, which changed a lot since then to get from that first draft to its present, incomplete, state, the one you may read about here: all of my conlangs but four are part of Calémere. My main and most developed conlang, Chlouvānem, which I created at the end of 2016 (though partially based on earlier conlangs), is one of Calémere’s two linguae francae; my second most developed conlang is the a posteriori Atlantic, which started as a just-for-fun side project. Anyway, I’m just as much a conlanger as I’m a conworlder, as I feel the need to create a setting for any conlang in order to work on it.

Concerning languages, I’m mostly interested in historical linguistics, in the evolution of Indo-European languages, particularly Romance and Slavic ones, and in Gallo-Italic and Indo-Aryan languages. I’m also interested in various other things like literature, geography, history, anthropology, and urbanism.
I'm asymmetrically bilingual in Italian and Lombard, and I also speak English, German, Portuguese, and Russian to various degrees, and can understand very basic French, Ligurian, Spanish, Danish, and Swedish (in decreasing order).

I'll no longer be on FB from May 22, 2020, however I'll still be active posting my conlanging/conworlding work here, and I'm also active on Reddit (as lilie21), including the r/conlangs subreddit

My conlangs