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This is a documentation subpage for Template:Chemistry. It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page. |
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Use this template to display the given language's words for all the currently known chemical elements, arranged in a vertical periodic table with only the chemical symbols for spacial reasons. It is suggested that phonology, constraints, phonotactics and grammar are more or less finished before going on to this or you may risk making the words too similar to those of your native language.
{{Chemistry |language= |nativetitle= |H= |He= |Li= |Be= |B= |C= |N= |O= |F= |Ne= |Na= |Mg= |Al= |Si= |P= |S= |Cl= |Ar= |K= |Ca= |Sc= |Ti= |V= |Cr= |Mn= |Co= |Fe= |Ni= |Cu= |Zn= |Ga= |Ge= |As= |Se= |Br= |Kr= |Rb= |Sr= |Y= |Zr= |Nb= |Mo= |Tc= |Ru= |Rh= |Pd= |Ag= |Cd= |In= |Sn= |Sb= |Te= |I= |Xe= |Cs= |Ba= |La= |Ce= |Pr= |Nd= |Pm= |Sm= |Eu= |Gd= |Tb= |Dy= |Ho= |Er= |Tm= |Yb= |Lu= |Hf= |Ta= |W= |Re= |Os= |Ir= |Pt= |Au= |Hg= |Tl= |Pb= |Bi= |Po= |At= |Rn= |Fr= |Ra= |Ac= |Th= |Pa= |U= |Np= |Pu= |Am= |Cm= |Bk= |Cf= |Es= |Fm= |Md= |No= |Lr= |Rf= |Db= |Sg= |Bh= |Hs= |Mt= |Ds= |Rg= |Cn= |Nh= |Fl= |Mc= |Lv= |Ts= |Og= }}