Literature:Schleicher's fable/Harākti
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Hāvi nu ākuē
- Hāvi, kuah nē kahti hulanāh, hūet ākun: sen velkaman guerhat vegan, sen megid dāistān, sen endūhsān pitaiman. Hāvi dēket ākām: "Kēr-met mē idāiti, hauēmanin endūhsān hagman ākun." Ākuē dēker: "Stōnlu, hāvi! Kardai-set apan idānti hauēmanei: endūhse, asha, hulanās hāvēn īeti tentsi ghermā lubāran, nu hāvi nē kahti hulanāh." Kā stonsuese ghembet hāvi gimrai.
The Sheep and the Horses
- On a hill, a sheep that had no wool saw horses, one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: "My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses". The horses said: "Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool". Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.
PIE (Schleicher, 1868)
Avis akvāsas ka
- Avis, jasmin varnā na ā ast, dadarka akvams, tam, vāgham garum vaghantam, tam, bhāram magham, tam, manum āku bharantam. Avis akvabhjams ā vavakat: kard aghnutai mai vidanti manum akvams agantam. Akvāsas ā vavakant: krudhi avai, kard aghnutai vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāms karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjams ka varnā na asti. Tat kukruvants avis agram ā bhugat.
PIE (Hirt, 1939)
Owis ek’wōses-kʷe
- Owis, jesmin wьlənā ne ēst, dedork’e ek’wons, tom, woghom gʷьrum weghontm̥, tom, bhorom megam, tom, gh’ьmonm̥ ōk’u bherontm̥. Owis ek’womos ewьwekʷet: k’ērd aghnutai moi widontei gh’ьmonm̥ ek’wons ag’ontm̥. Ek’wōses ewьwekʷont: kl’udhi, owei!, k’ērd aghnutai vidontmos: gh’ьmo, potis, wьlənām owjôm kʷr̥neuti sebhoi ghʷermom westrom; owimos-kʷe wьlənā ne esti. Tod k’ek’ruwos owis ag’rom ebhuget.
PIE (Lühr, 2008)
h2ówis h1ék’wōskwe
- h2ówis, (H)jésmin h2wlh2néh2 ne éh1est, dedork’e (h1)ék’wons, tóm, wóg’hom gwérh2um wég’hontm, tóm, bhórom még’oh2m, tóm, dhg’hémonm h2oHk’ú bhérontm. h2ówis (h1)ék’wobhos ewewkwe(t): k’ḗrd h2ghnutoj moj widntéj dhg’hmónm (h1)ék’wons h2ég’ontm. (h1)ék’wōs ewewkw: k’ludhí, h2ówi! k’ḗrd h2ghnutoj widntbhós: dhg’hémō(n), pótis, h2wlnéh2m h2ówjom kwnewti sébhoj gwhérmom wéstrom; h2éwibhoskwe h2wlh2néh2 né h1esti. Tód k’ek’luwṓs h2ówis h2ég’rom ebhuge(t).
Lehmann and Zgusta (1979)
Owis eḱwōskʷe
- Gʷərēi owis, kʷesjo wl̥hnā ne ēst, eḱwōns espeḱet, oinom ghe gʷr̥um woǵhom weǵhontm̥, oinomkʷe meǵam bhorom, oinomkʷe ǵhm̥enm̥ ōḱu bherontm̥. Owis nu eḱwobh(j)os (eḱwomos) ewewkʷet: "Ḱēr aghnutoi moi eḱwōns aǵontm̥ nerm̥ widn̥tei". Eḱwōs tu ewewkʷont: "Ḱludhi, owei, ḱēr ghe aghnutoi n̥smei widn̥tbh(j)os (widn̥tmos): nēr, potis, owiōm r̥ wl̥hnām sebhi gʷhermom westrom kʷrn̥euti. Neǵhi owiōm wl̥hnā esti". Tod ḱeḱluwōs owis aǵrom ebhuget.
Adams (1997)
H2óu̯is h1ék̂u̯ōs-kʷe
- [Gʷr̥hxḗi] h2óu̯is, kʷési̯o u̯lh2néh4 ne (h1é) est, h1ék̂u̯ons spék̂et, h1oinom ghe gʷr̥hxúm u̯óĝhom u̯éĝhontm̥ h1oinom-kʷe ĝ méĝham bhórom, h1oinom-kʷe ĝhménm̥ hxṓk̂u bhérontm̥. h2óu̯is tu h1ek̂u̯oibh(i̯)os u̯eukʷét: 'k̂ḗr haeghnutór moi h1ék̂u̯ons haéĝontm̥ hanérm̥ u̯idn̥téi. h1ék̂u̯ōs tu u̯eukʷónt: 'k̂ludhí, h2óu̯ei, k̂ḗr ghe haeghnutór n̥sméi u̯idn̥tbh(i̯)ós. hanḗr, pótis, h2éu̯i̯om r̥ u̯l̥h2néham sebhi kʷr̥néuti nu gʷhérmom u̯éstrom néĝhi h2éu̯i̯om u̯l̥h2néha h1ésti.' Tód k̂ek̂luu̯ṓs h2óu̯is haéĝrom bhugét.
Kortlandt (2007)
ʕʷeuis ʔkeuskʷe
- ʕʷeuis iosmi ʕuelʔn neʔst ʔekuns ʔe 'dērkt, tom 'gʷrʕeum uogom ugentm, tom m'geʕm borom, tom dgmenm ʔoʔku brentm. ʔe uēukʷt ʕʷeuis ʔkumus: kʷntske ʔmoi kērt ʕnerm ui'denti ʔekuns ʕ'gentm. ʔe ueukʷnt ʔkeus: kludi ʕʷuei, kʷntske nsmi kērt ui'dntsu: ʕnēr potis ʕʷuiom ʕulʔenm subi gʷormom uestrom kʷrneuti, ʕʷuimus kʷe ʕuelʔn neʔsti. To'd kekluus ʕʷeuis ʕe'grom ʔe bēu'gd.