Literature:Schleicher's fable
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Schleicher's fable (PIE: avis akvāsas ka) is an artificial text composed in the reconstructed language Proto-Indo-European (PIE), published by the German linguist August Schleicher in 1868 (the year of his death). Schleicher was the first scholar to compose a text in PIE. The fable is entitled "Avis akvāsas ka" ("The Sheep and the Horses"). Various scholars have published revised versions of Schleicher's fable since his original text as the idea of what PIE should look like changed over time. The fable may serve as an illustration of the significant changes that the reconstructed language has gone through during the last 140 years of scholarly efforts. |
The Sheep and the Horses
On a hill, a sheep that had no wool saw horses, one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: "My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses". The horses said: "Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool". Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.
PIE (Schleicher, 1868)
Avis akvāsas ka
Avis, jasmin varnā na ā ast, dadarka akvams, tam, vāgham garum vaghantam, tam, bhāram magham, tam, manum āku bharantam. Avis akvabhjams ā vavakat: kard aghnutai mai vidanti manum akvams agantam. Akvāsas ā vavakant: krudhi avai, kard aghnutai vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāms karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjams ka varnā na asti. Tat kukruvants avis agram ā bhugat.
PIE (Hirt, 1939)
Owis ek’wōses-kʷe
Owis, jesmin wьlənā ne ēst, dedork’e ek’wons, tom, woghom gʷьrum weghontm̥, tom, bhorom megam, tom, gh’ьmonm̥ ōk’u bherontm̥. Owis ek’womos ewьwekʷet: k’ērd aghnutai moi widontei gh’ьmonm̥ ek’wons ag’ontm̥. Ek’wōses ewьwekʷont: kl’udhi, owei!, k’ērd aghnutai vidontmos: gh’ьmo, potis, wьlənām owjôm kʷr̥neuti sebhoi ghʷermom westrom; owimos-kʷe wьlənā ne esti. Tod k’ek’ruwos owis ag’rom ebhuget.
PIE (Lehmann and Zgusta, 1979)
Owis eḱwōskʷe
- Gʷərēi owis, kʷesjo wl̥hnā ne ēst, eḱwōns espeḱet, oinom ghe gʷr̥um woǵhom weǵhontm̥, oinomkʷe meǵam bhorom, oinomkʷe ǵhm̥enm̥ ōḱu bherontm̥. Owis nu eḱwobh(j)os (eḱwomos) ewewkʷet: "Ḱēr aghnutoi moi eḱwōns aǵontm̥ nerm̥ widn̥tei". Eḱwōs tu ewewkʷont: "Ḱludhi, owei, ḱēr ghe aghnutoi n̥smei widn̥tbh(j)os (widn̥tmos): nēr, potis, owiōm r̥ wl̥hnām sebhi gʷhermom westrom kʷrn̥euti. Neǵhi owiōm wl̥hnā esti". Tod ḱeḱluwōs owis aǵrom ebhuget.
PIE (Adams, 1997)
H2óu̯is h1ék̂u̯ōs-kʷe
- [Gʷr̥hxḗi] h2óu̯is, kʷési̯o u̯lh2néh4 ne (h1é) est, h1ék̂u̯ons spék̂et, h1oinom ghe gʷr̥hxúm u̯óĝhom u̯éĝhontm̥ h1oinom-kʷe ĝ méĝham bhórom, h1oinom-kʷe ĝhménm̥ hxṓk̂u bhérontm̥. h2óu̯is tu h1ek̂u̯oibh(i̯)os u̯eukʷét: 'k̂ḗr haeghnutór moi h1ék̂u̯ons haéĝontm̥ hanérm̥ u̯idn̥téi. h1ék̂u̯ōs tu u̯eukʷónt: 'k̂ludhí, h2óu̯ei, k̂ḗr ghe haeghnutór n̥sméi u̯idn̥tbh(i̯)ós. hanḗr, pótis, h2éu̯i̯om r̥ u̯l̥h2néham sebhi kʷr̥néuti nu gʷhérmom u̯éstrom néĝhi h2éu̯i̯om u̯l̥h2néha h1ésti.' Tód k̂ek̂luu̯ṓs h2óu̯is haéĝrom bhugét.
PIE (Kortlandt, 2007)
ʕʷeuis ʔkeuskʷe
- ʕʷeuis iosmi ʕuelʔn neʔst ʔekuns ʔe 'dērkt, tom 'gʷrʕeum uogom ugentm, tom m'geʕm borom, tom dgmenm ʔoʔku brentm. ʔe uēukʷt ʕʷeuis ʔkumus: kʷntske ʔmoi kērt ʕnerm ui'denti ʔekuns ʕ'gentm. ʔe ueukʷnt ʔkeus: kludi ʕʷuei, kʷntske nsmi kērt ui'dntsu: ʕnēr potis ʕʷuiom ʕulʔenm subi gʷormom uestrom kʷrneuti, ʕʷuimus kʷe ʕuelʔn neʔsti. To'd kekluus ʕʷeuis ʕe'grom ʔe bēu'gd.
PIE (Lühr, 2008)
h2ówis h1ék’wōskwe
h2ówis, (H)jésmin h2wlh2néh2 ne éh1est, dedork’e (h1)ék’wons, tóm, wóg’hom gwérh2um wég’hontm, tóm, bhórom még’oh2m, tóm, dhg’hémonm h2oHk’ú bhérontm. h2ówis (h1)ék’wobhos ewewkwe(t): k’ḗrd h2ghnutoj moj widntéj dhg’hmónm (h1)ék’wons h2ég’ontm. (h1)ék’wōs ewewkw: k’ludhí, h2ówi! k’ḗrd h2ghnutoj widntbhós: dhg’hémō(n), pótis, h2wlnéh2m h2ówjom kwnewti sébhoj gwhérmom wéstrom; h2éwibhoskwe h2wlh2néh2 né h1esti. Tód k’ek’luwṓs h2ówis h2ég’rom ebhuge(t).
La Xari i lus Chavolyus
E incop un criu una xari siny noia viḍeil arpol chavolyus, nu e ilus cu aḍ troiri nu cur garvi, nu oltr cu aḍ fiariri nu oniri grandi, i nu oltr cu aḍ fiariri charilomenti nu hom. Dixil la xari âlus chavolyus: «Intra pinyu-m murt, pandu viḍi nu hom cu aḍ duhiri chavolyus.» I dixirunt lus chavolyus: «Oiḍi, xari! Nus intra pinyomu-n murt pandu lûnc viḍimu: nu hom, il partun, charpil la noia dâ xari i an fail nu vistiment chariḍ pro sivi. I dindi la xari ê siny noia.» Lûnc oiḍiṭ, la xari cucuril imbura nila proniṭoṭi.
Hāvi nu ākuē
- Hāvi, kuah nē kahti hulanāh, hūet ākun: sen velkaman guerhat vegan, sen megid dāistān, sen endūhsān pitaiman. Hāvi dēket ākām: "Kēr-met mē idāiti, hauēmanin endūhsān hagman ākun." Ākuē dēker: "Stōnlu, hāvi! Kardai-set apan idānti hauēmanei: endūhse, asha, hulanās hāvēn īeti tentsi ghermā lubāran, nu hāvi nē kahti hulanāh." Kā stonsuese ghembet hāvi gimrai.
𒇻𒄿 𒉡 𒀁𒆪𒂍 | UDU-i nu ā-ku-ē |
𒇻𒄿 𒆪𒀪 𒌋𒉡 𒅗𒀪𒋾 𒄷𒆷𒈾𒀀𒀪 𒄷𒌋𒀉 𒀁𒆪𒌦 | UDU-i ku-ah ŪL ka-ah-ti hu-la-na-a-ah hu-u-et ā-ku-un |
𒊺𒂗 𒃾𒂖𒅗𒈠𒀭 𒄖𒅕𒄩𒀖 𒊺𒂗 𒃲𒄉 𒁕𒀀𒅖𒋫𒀀𒀭 | se-en ve-el-ka-ma-an gu-er-ha-at se-en GAL-id da-a-is-ta-a-an |
𒊺𒂗 𒇽𒌷𒇻𒀀𒀭 𒁉𒋫𒅎𒀭 𒁲𒂊𒆠𒀉 𒀁𒅗𒀀𒄠 | se-en LÚ.U19.LU-a-an pi-ta-im-an UDU-i de-e-ke-et ā-ka-a-am |
𒊮𒅀 𒈨𒂊 𒄉𒀁𒄿𒋾 𒄩𒌋𒂍𒈠𒉌𒅔 𒇽𒌷𒇻𒀀𒀭 | ŠÀ-YA me-e id-ā-i-ti ha-u-ē-ma-ni-in LÚ.U19.LU-a-an |
𒄩𒀞𒈠𒀭 𒀁𒆪𒌦 𒀁𒆪𒂍 𒁲𒂊𒆠𒅕 𒅖𒌈𒌑𒄧𒇻 𒇻𒄿 | ha-ag-ma-an ā-ku-un ā-ku-ē de-e-ke-er is-to-o-on-lu UDU-i |
𒊮𒄭𒀀𒉌 𒀊𒀭 𒄉𒀀𒀭𒋾 𒄩𒌋𒂍𒈠𒉈𒄿 𒇽𒌷𒇻𒂊 | ŠÀ-ḪI.A-NI ap-an id-a-an-ti ha-u-ē-ma-ne-i LÚ.U19.LU-e |
𒂗𒀀 𒄷𒆷𒈾𒀀𒀸 𒇻𒂊𒂗 𒐊𒂊𒋾 𒋼𒂗𒍣 𒄄𒅕𒈠𒀀 | BĒLU-a hu-la-na-a-as UDU-e-en ī-e-ti te-en-tsi ghe-er-ma-a |
𒌆𒊏𒀭 𒉡 𒇻𒄿 𒌋𒉡 𒅗𒀪𒋾 𒄷𒆷𒈾𒀀𒀪 𒅗𒀀 | TÚG-ra-an nu UDU-i ŪL ka-ah-ti hu-la-na-a-ah ka-a |
𒅖𒌈𒄧𒋗𒂊𒊺 𒄄𒁽𒁁𒀉 𒇻𒄿 𒆤𒅎𒊏𒄿 | is-to-on-su-e-se ghe-em-be-et UDU-i gi-im-ra-i |
So masy aw tí esyúi
Nyé masy, pesy hawláná ne astát, elerset esyúás; nyé nyam arabam karetántám etenget, nyé nyim tangtom duwsátam eberet, nyé lengom nyim báturom eberet. So masy tós esyúwi amulút: «Mintat syardém duwsa résy mewi puréti, pimbe báturom, esyúám lúkétom, wilémi.» Tí esyúi tási masyí amulút: «Hú, a masy! Mintá syardéa duwsa résy ósmi puréti, pimbe histom wilémas: nyé bátur, so kirius, et tosy masyé hawlánam eynemeti. Dán méat hawlánehi ha tosy masyé esti.» Histom ahút, so masy gacewam ham at peliné etinemat.
Sovēc v porosele
Sova vētla bo foječon qobáj jerí porosi; okdomov foježórer čobid merčab, okrobov fojeshab rób homol, v šolefov fojeshab ęso išǫ. Sovēc jamári porosili: «Lébov li márér, rájoto ęso mosožéro porosi.» Porosele jamáre: «Stosmeqi, sova, lébov lone márér, rájili ve: ęs, baqlov, qošē noposlu qobájvobi sovēto ham molbes. Vén sovētla bo jef qobáj.» Somoqa ve, sovēc jebráhi en mesvójovo.
Wok au sǝl
Wok kǝ yiṇ ow na wrase, sal ksase. Əs ās man wazan wyan, ǝs ās maz kāṇ twan, ǝs ās man kim twan. Wok mnase: "Mǝnǝy sǝl mǝx̌k kte kǝ ksam kǝ kim sǝl pse". Sal mnasel: "Kǝr, yo wok! Mǝlk sǝl mǝx̌k kte tar ksǝsamǝl kǝ kim ow nme aw qati yǝl pew rām ce. Au wokal ow maš na wrase." Wok yǝ krab wṇal wamnase.
When Yassi was discovered by Western linguists, they first thought it was an Iranian, at least Indo-Iranian, language and therefore translated the Schleicher's fable into Yassi for comparison purposes. Though it was then discovered that Yassi rather belongs to the Uralic family, a significant part of its vocabulary remains Iranian: Words like ās (horse), maz (big), wazan (wagon, cart) and wok (sheep) are loanwords from (Eastern?) Proto or Old Iranian.
En uno ogo, uno scapo ce ne abia nila vula saio peredi, uno tianti uno vagno svaro, uno draganti una lasto grota, e uno draganti uno menisco snelie. El scapo segui a li peredi: "El erte mede me smerta, seianti uno menisco drivanti peredi." Li peredi seguin: "lose, scapo, li erte nosde nos smertan cando vi seiamos eco: uno menisco, el ero, mace la vula d'el scapo en una cleditio varma per se. E'l scapo ne abe nila vula." Posde orenti eco, el scapo flovo en la evanita.